"But you'll be leaving me!"

"I will always be in your heart. I will never leave you."

"I can't live without you."

Alyssa hugged her husband when he began to cry, tearing up herself. The relapse rate seemed like it scared her when in reality, she wasn't scared. She isn't afraid of dying anymore.

She is ready.


Avi noticed Mitch's sadness, his heart aching at the sight. The Omega sat on his bed, a blank expression on his face. Scott had to make a time for the next Alpha test for the both of them and little Jordyn. Baby Alphas usually start their tests at six months so the Council could see if they are developing the traits correctly. So far, Jordyn displayed each one. Stubborn yet a good leader, protective, tough, and hardheaded. She was like her father a lot, especially when it came to her ships.

Avi sat down on the bed, looking at Mitch sadly. Mitch smiled back weakly, the smile not quite reaching his eyes. Avi hugged him tightly, sighing quietly.

"What's the matter, Mouse?"

Mitch giggled a bit at the sweet nickname. When Mitch was becoming comfortable with being in a Pack for the first time, he was very quiet and shy. He didn't really talk to anyone unless it was Scott. Avi decided to call him Mouse because they are very quiet yet very adorable. Mitch adored the nickname so it just stuck. Mitch frowned again, playing with his fingers and looked down at his lap, not wanting Avi to see the tears.

"Am I fat?"

"Mitch, no! Who gave you that idea?"

"I...I got a letter from somebody who said that."

"Mitch, who was it? You could tell me! That's really mean to do to someone."

"It was somebody with a very long name. All I know is that it had nom in it and I became hungry."

"Mitch, I think you're thinking about anonymous. That means that there is no identity given. There's no nom in it."

"Oh, okay. Who could have done it?"

"I don't know, but I'll find out."

Avi stood up and was about to leave when Mitch stopped him, shaking his head. Avi complied, wondering why the the Omega stopped him.

"Mitch, why did you stop me? This is serious!"

Mitch looked at Avi as he frowned again, his eyes full of empathy and kindness.

"I don't want the person to get in trouble or have a time out."

Avi laughed as Scott came in the room, hearing Mitch's explanation. The Lead Alpha was about to ask for explanation until Mitch noticed a piece of paper behind his husband, raising an eyebrow.

"I'll be right back."

The Alphas nodded as Avi began to explain the story. Mitch heard Scott gasp, knowing that the Alpha will do that mirror thing to him that he loves doing. Mitch disliked it because he cried every time, but he loved it because Scott showed him how much he loved him. Mitch picked up the piece of paper and opened it, gasping at it loudly.

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