Chapter 8

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Well I'm back so had lot going on.

I woke up in a basement I thank . It's dark and it smells bad like mold and piss . And there is rats all over the place . I'm in a cage omg this is not happen . And the bars are silver wonderful . And I can't feel my wolf at all.

And my head hurts bad . Bloody hell im in nothing but a shirt that's long . Who the hell changed me . And it has blood all over it. I feel dirty and gross . All I remember is being in the woods and then everything went dark.

How long have I been here . Will I have been talking to my self . I didn't know someone was on here tell now . Good job all the training my dad thought me and I can't remember him telling me to always be alert . I thank to my self wonderful .

Hello what do you want with me why am I here. I ask

Hahaha you do remind me of your father stupid mutt . The man said .

I can't really see him but his eyes they are silver . I just want him to let me go I haven't done nuthing wrong why would he want me.

How do you know my father . Who are you and why am I here. I ask again

You don't know who you are do you White Wolf . Wow your father never told you who you are are what you are or what you can do or even why he had well tried to cover your sent . He said

What are you going on about . Why would you call me white wolf . What do you want with me . I asked

In time you will know but for now in joy your stay . And watch your tone with me mutt . He said

Then before I could say anything he was gone . All I got to hear was a door shut. It's cold and dark and gross in here. I tried looking around for anything to try to get out all that's in the cage with me a blanket it thin and part wet.

Wonderful I think we'll I don't think I'm going anywhere any time soon so I lay down a go to sleep .

I wake up to a loud door slam . My heart is beating so fast and my head hurts bad. When I look up thare a another man standing by my cage he looks young . He's got the same eyes as the man that was in here .

You are a beautiful my father was right you'll be a wonderful wife for me . I can't help but want to see your wolf . And yes White Wolf you are going to be mine . He said

Who are you and I will never be your wife or even your mate I'm already marked . I said

Don't worry about that ill change that soon don't worry . He said and He just laughed and he look like he's off his rockers and insane. I didn't see tell now he had a bucket full of water and a rag in his hands and a plate of food. That smelled good I was hungry I don't know how long I have been here I just know I haven't ate sense the morning I was taken. And I don't thank it would be poisoned . As he said they needed me to mate and marry this boy. With is not going to happen at all he can just keep dreaming .

Here baby clean your self up and eat I don't want my mate and soon to be wife to die on me now do we . He said

Don't call me baby you asshole . I said

Oh angry I like it when they play hard to get baby . Don't worry baby I can tell your going to like it ruff . Haha yeah don't worry baby ill be back later . He said then he was walking away and said oh by the way baby my name is Scar don't forget it baby you'll be screaming it later. Then he left and slammed the door.

So I look over at the water and food and slowly walk to it well as far as I can with me being chained up . I clean my self up the best I can with a bucket if water and put my head in the bucket to clean some of the blood out of my hair. Then I eat the food and down the water bottle . And go back to the blanket and go to lay down again .

How long have I been here I don't know all I know is I'm ready to get the fuck out of here. They have to be coming for me right I hope so . I can feel wolf a little it makes me feel better knowing I'm not fully alone .

Before I could even go back to sleep the door opens up again why can't they just leave me alone and let me go . All I wanna do is cry but I will not cry in front of them .

So you meet my son huh. his going to be a great Alpha and powerful with the white wolf by his side . Don't you thank. He said

No and I don't thank you get it I will not be his mate or his wife ever . Why do you keep calling me white wolf anyways and how fucking long have I been here. I ask

Well lets see you have been here for 3 weeks . But you where out for a week and a half before you woke up . And I'll tell you a story when I get back mutt . He said

I really didn't have much to say back to that I have been here for that long and they haven't found me yet are they even looking for me . I wish I knew if they where even looking for me . I just laid back down on the clod and wet floor and went to sleep sense I was alone again in this place.

Well what you think I'll update soon

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2013 ⏰

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