"Alpha," they both bow their heads in my father's direction, my father's eyes are burning into mine and the heat of his gaze makes my wolf bow. His alpha aura hits me in full force.

"I am your father before anything else," he turns around, "you know that Melany, I would let go of my alpha position if it meant keeping you safe," there is a rumble in his throat as he tries to figure out what else to say. "Why don't you get that," he growls as he turns around and runs into the trees followed by thing one and thing two.

Denis and Cas have been my father's beta and omega for four years. Denis is in his early thirties as Cas is in his late twenties. They were chosen because in training they were at the top of their class. My father trusts them, but I think that he should have gone for his friend, Patrick. Sure, Patrick is my father's age, over fifty but he knows this territory and my father better than those bozos.

"Andrew," the hurt in my voice rings clear, Andrew is still standing there with me. He does not want to say a word but I know he knows exactly how I feel.

"He cares about you Mel," he finally says, "you're his only child. Cut him some slack and start acting like a daughter towards him instead of a warrior."

"I am a warrior. That is how he raised me."

"To fight your enemies, not your father," he counters, "don't you think that he is fighting a war, inside his head, every single day and now to fight you every step of the way because of your mate."

"He doesn't have to fight me, he knew that I was bound to find him. Sure it took me longer than the rest of the wolves but I found him. Can't he be happy for me," I gasp as the mental image of losing a mate fills my mind.

"Can't you understand him? I understand him and I don't even my mate. If my mate were to put a strain between you and me I would try to figure out some middle ground. Mel, he's your father. You're all he has."

"He lost everything but put it all aside to stay here with me," my father never let his pain get in the way of raising me.

He was the only one that raised you. Alpha Blake saw how his pack members found their mates knowing well that his mate is gone but he needed to be strong for his daughter.

"I'm an idiot," I groan as I glance in the direction that my father ran into.

"Well there's something we both agree on," Andrew scrunches up his face as he mocks me.

His antics soon disappear as his face displays the pain that my fist makes once it connects to his arm, "Keep it up!" I say as Andrew's pouting lip trembles.

"Jesus," he howls, "play nice Hulk!"

After Andrew is done crying we decide to train for a while. Andrew is the one training as I am just seeing how fast my reflexes are. Andrew throws punches left and right as my body moves away from his punches.

"How do you do that?" He groans as I take a step away from him and he takes one last attempt of dropping me. His body clumsily topples forward, seeing an opportunity, my body crouches down as my leg sweeps under him. Andrew does not stand a chance as a gasp escapes him and his body hits the ground with a loud thump.

"That's how I do it," I laugh as Andrew fumes on the ground.

"That's my girl," his voice is coming from the trees and my eyes go to his dark ones.

"Dad," he makes his way back with Cas following close behind him.

"Where's thing one," I clear my throat, "I mean Denis."

"He went to see his mother," he looks at Cas and Cas nods walking away. "Son, I think it's time that we train on our own so that you learn how to predict your opponents' moves."

The Mark of an Alpha {Book 1}✔Where stories live. Discover now