Chapter 2- Tell Dad Bye

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For the next two weeks, I woke up early and helped Dad on the ranch. But on the last day that I was at home, I made a huge mistake. I woke up extra early and walked out to the barn. I put all of my tack and riding gear in a massive box and braided Ash's tail. After Ash was fed and watered. I went and tacked up my Mom's horse, Gusto.

The stocky, dun gelding sighed as I tightened his cinch. I giggled as he reached back and tried to undo the saddle knot. "It's okay, Gus," "I'll be gone tonight so Mom will only ride you a little bit," I giggled. Gus followed me obediently out of his stall. He stood still as I swung myself into the saddle. 

I saw Dad and my cousin, Jackson, herding the cattle out of a small corral and to the 12 acre pasture where they went during the day. "Wait up!" I yelled. Neither Dad or Jackson heard me and started galloping the cows into the pasture. I trotted Gus to the gate. I grabbed the twine knotted to the gate and pulled the gate shut.

"It'll be fine if I don't lock it," I thought and started loping for the cows.


                                            I caught up with Dad and Jackson and we drove the cattle to the western side of the pasture and Dad suddenly stopped and twisted his head in my direction, "Indie, did you see any strays close to the gate?"  I shook my head. I though hard about it. "I did see two heifers next to the pond," I said quickly. "I'll go get em'," Jackson chirped.

I had a weird feeling in my stomach as Dad began to circle the grazing cows. About 20 minutes later I saw Jackson galloping his red roan toward us without the missing heifers. "Where are they?" Dad yelled. "The gate was wide open and Aunt Jessie said that the neighbors about 2 miles down the road have em' in their pasture. 

Dad nodded solemnly. "Did you shut the gate, Indie," He said quietly but forced. "I shut it but I didn't lock it," I sputtered. Dad didn't say one more word. He turned his cutting horse, Wise, and galloped for the gate. "You better go get packed up, Indie," Jackson smiled at me. "We'll be fine without ya,"  I nodded as I forced water back into my eyes.

"Jack, I didn't mean to," I almost whispered. Jackson shrugged. "You gotta make a mistake if you're human," He playfully punched me in the arm and took off his hat. He pushed his fingers through his thick, golden hair. "I guess I'll see you next month," I said, trying to sound more lighthearted.

"I'll see ya," He grinned. I turned Gus for home and trotted away. 


                                            For the rest of the afternoon, I gloomily packed my bags. All of my freshly ironed Rodeo shirts were clumped into a garment bag. I slowly put all of my Ranch Dress'n apparel in my duffel and jammed all my boots into a box. Mom came in a couple times and told me that she was gonna miss me and how everybody makes mistakes.

Dad didn't come in for supper at 5:00 and as my Rodeo Coach, Lacey, drove up the driveway in her shiny Ford, Dad was no where to be seen. My mood lightened as my bubbly trainer exited her car and gave me a huge hug.

"You ready to go?" She smiled. I nodded. "Then lets go get that horse of yours and get out of here!" I loaded Ash in the trailer beside Lacey's horse, Slick, and lugged my tack box into the tack part of the trailer. Mo and Lacey had loaded my bags into the bed of the truck.

"Bye Mom," I gave Mom a bear hug. "Tell Dad I said bye," I said. "I think you can," Mom pointed behind me. I turned and saw Dad galloping toward us. He stopped a few feet away and dismounted. He walked over and swallowed me in a tight hug. "See you later Dad," I smiled. 

His famous big ole smile was back on his face and I felt so much better.

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