seven // full moon

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this chapter is going to be in 3rd person  -M


   Liam woke with a jolt, his side muscles spasming slightly. His eye shot open, only to be greeted with darkness surrounding him. On instinct his head turned sideways to look at his alarm clock, until he remembered that he threw it earlier that morning. He groaned trying to sit himself up, but was thrown back against his bed as another spasm went through his body. Liam jerked, his hands wrapping around his torso as his stomach started to cramp up. Liam knew that he should have eaten earlier, him now feeling the side effects of his empty stomach. Once the cramping stopped he slowly stood back up, popping his joints and stretching his muscles which felt tighter then they normally were when he always awoke. God, how long was he asleep?

   Everything was dark in his room, signalling that it was past nightfall. For sure he had gotten at least 4 or 5 hrs of sleep, the only slight light coming from the moon outside. He took a few steps forward only to stop walking from his left foot suddenly falling asleep, the poking sensation of pins and needles erupting. Liam looked down and wiggled his toes, getting the feeling back in a matter of seconds. Then it hit him.

  The bite.

  Liam's eyes widened as he ran as fast as he could to the bathroom, flicking on the light and running forward towards the sink. His eyes widened and breathed hitched as soon as he saw the smooth skin on his shoulder, no trace of the wound that was beheld there before. He thought that maybe it was all a dream, that once he woke up he was going to find out that he was imagining things. He looked down at his feet, noticing the bloody bandage from what he used to protect his wound. He gulped as he looked at it laying flat against the tile flooring, the blood dried and crusty looking.

  Liam gave out a pathetic cry as he closed his eyes. He wasn't going crazy was he? He wasn't just all of a sudden loosing his marbles? Tears burned the back of his eyes lids, his hand coming up from around the sink edge. He rubbed his for head as a he felt a headache start to come on. Sighing, he put his hand back on the sink. Opening his eyes he looked at himself in the mirror, giving out a startle yelp as soon as he saw his reflection.

  His eyes. They where yellow.

  Instead of the creamy chocolate brown they normally where, they were instead a bright illuminate yellow, his irises gleaming. Liam backed away from the sink, him gasping out for air as he felt himself start to hyperventilate. Then next thing he knew, he was on the floor.

  His body hit the tiles with a thump, his stomach cramping up and causing him to double over in the fetal position. Liam shut his eyes, his hands frantically trying to grip anything that he could get his hands on. Opening his eyes he looked at his hands, him giving out a cry as he saw his nails grow and lengthen into claws. He felt his teeth grow, his canines accidentally biting his tongue as he clamped down due to the horrendous pain. Suddenly his clothes felt too tight, his body growing and morphing into his new body.

   The sound of breaking bones and ripping clothes filled his ears, along with his constant cries and screams of pain. But over it all, the clearest sound was the low, loud growl of a wolf echoing in the night. Liam gave out a scream, it slowly getting deeper until it turned into a inhuman growl.

   Then everything went black.


  Louis couldn't help but shake ever so slightly as the sound of the wolf howl filled his ears. He tried to remain still, but he had a feeling that his poker face wasn't that well, considering that his Master was giving him glances every now and then.

Bittєn ≫ Liam Payne/Werewolf (AU)Where stories live. Discover now