one // creature of the woods

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   Every step I took to school that morning, the movement shot a sharp pain up my side. I was trying not to limp, but it was torture trying not to act like I wasn't hurt. But the pain wasn't the only thing on my mind. It was the wolf I saw last night.

   The way that it moved--the way it looked at me. And the thing that wolves aren't native to England was a major factor in that argument.

   Approaching my school, I tried my best to walk normal. Pulling my backpack strap up on my shoulder I winced my way up the cement steps and through the set of double doors.

   One step, two step, three. . .

   I continued walking, getting glances cast my way as I made my way down the fairly crowded hallway.

   six step, seven step, eight. . .

   Turning the final corner, I saw my locker.

   eleven step, twelve step, thirteen. . .

   Before I could reach my locker I felt a hand grab my backpack and drag me backwards, causing me to fall sideways on my unhurt leg. My glasses went flying off as soon as my side made contact with the ground, them skidding to a stop a few feet away from me. As soon as I opened my eyes, everything around me had a filter of haze over it, causing everything in sight to become blurry.

   I heard a few laughs, then a sharp solid object hit me in my hurt thigh. It took me a few moments before I realized someone was kicking me. And that person was none other then Tyler.

   "Did you go crying back to your mummy yesterday? Huh?", Tyler's voice boomed over me as he kicked me again. I let out a small cry as the pain was sent in waves up and down my body, curling up into the fetal position and squeezing my eyes shut.

   "P-Please stop-p!", I cried out as my arms and hands wrapped around my face to protect from Tyler's blows. I could pratically see him sneering as he countiued. Soon I felt a few more feet smacking against my sides. Curling into a tighter ball I tried my best to ignore the pain that was scoring on my skin from the bruises, feeling like it was going deep to the bone.

   "HEY!", I heard a very deep and stern voice boom from down the hall. The kicking immediately stopped, then I occasionally heard someone whisper 'Oh' or 'Hurry we have to ditch'. Not soon after I heard the screeching of their sneakers on the tile flooring, as they booked it down the hallway their steps fading the farther they went. I didn't dare look up, still in the fetal position on the floor. My body hurt, scratch that. It felt like fire was on my skin.

   I stayed in the same stance till I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder, causing me to flinch at the sudden contact.

   "Come on, let's get you to the office", I heard a deep voice say. Moving my arms slowly from my head and opening my eyes I turned my head slightly to see the hazy figure (thanks to no glasses) standing above me. Principle Kindle.

   Great just great. Now I had to deal with Tyler mocking me that Principle Kindle came to my rescue.

    Principle Kindle looked down to me and held out his hand to help me up. I hesitated at first but eventually took it, after all I probably looked like a complete idiot laying in the middle of the hallway. Not to mention the crowd that was gathering around me from all the hazy human figures clustered in the hallway that I could see.

   Gradually he helped me stand up, me grunting and flinching at every sore muscle that moved. I couldn't put pressure on my right leg, thanks to my beatings from yesterday and today.

   "Here son, I think you need these," Principle Kindle exclaimed as he grabbed my hand and put an object in them. It took me a few moments to realize that they were my glasses. My hands shook as I unfolded them, putting them on my face. Everything in sight became clearer immediately, the only thing was a thin crack going diagonal across my left lens. Great, I need to get new glasses. How am I going to explain this to my mum?

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