Snart Of Coal

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Get it, Snart rhymes with Heart. So Heart of Coal. Lol. Alllll right! Part 2 of the 3(?) Part episode! LEAVE A LIKE (PLEASE) AND COMMENT! Ty lovelies!

I woke up on my couch with Ray sleeping on the carpet right below me. He was covered in a nice warm sherpa blanket and I a wool fuzzy blanket. The fire had long since died but the embers still were bright red and radiated some sort of heat towards us. Ray had always been one to sleep in so me being me, rolled off the couch onto him. He grunted loudly as I giggled and shook him up while looking at him on my side, still lying down.

"Get up Atom!" I whispered shaking him. He opened one eye, saw me and closed it again. I grabbed his blanket and rolled towards the fire taking the warm blanket away from him. I then wrapped the blanket over me and my woolen blanket, giving me the most heat.

"Hey! Not fair!" Ray said, completely awake now.

"Come and get it lazy bones." I teased. Ray rolled over and tried grabbing the blanket back, but I was too entangled with it so he was satisfied with just a hug.

"Gerroff me!" I laughed as Ray hung tightly onto me.

"Your fault for stealing the blanket." Ray responded. I giggled and stood up, still tangled in the blankets and hopped my way to the kitchen. Ray quickly chased after me and lifted me up bridal style.

"RAY! GET OFF ME!" I laughed trying to get my hands out of the blanket to hit him. Ray chuckled and plopped me down on the couch while he went into the kitchen and started making some coffee. "Aren't you suppose to be somewhere?" I coughed loudly. Ray looked at his watch and cursed. I did not think he had that in him to be honest.

"I've gotta go take a shower. Um--" Ray looked at me. I rolled my eyes and did my best to gesture he could use my shower. Ray rushed up the stairs while I sat on the couch looking at the dying embers. 20 minutes later Ray rushed down the stairs wearing a dark maroon shirt and a black suit. He grabbed his coat and gave me a kiss on the cheek, quickly rushing out the door to make it to the "meeting" with Rip Hunter. I quickly ran to the shower, took a 5 minute shower and changed into a white shirt, army style skinny jeans and some brown boots. I then grabbed my coat and an ice pop. I looked down on the piece of paper I had copied the address they were meeting on and I rushed out the door. The thing was, the paper said to meet at 12:00 sharp, it was 11:55, and the location was at least 20 minutes away during rush hour. I took a big sigh and flicked my hand. A piece of ground sprouted up and a small white flower grew out from the top. I looked up at the sky and looked at the beautiful sunny day. I quickly flicked my wrist again and it started pouring directly on me. I took a deep breathe in and rushed back into my apartment building. I went to the roof and walked over to the side.

Holy crap I was completely crazy.

I then prayed to any gods that would hear me and jumped off, at the same time urging something to form underneath me. I waited for my body to crash onto the hard concrete but nothing happened. I attempted to open my eyes which were bolted shut, I lifted a single eyelid and looked down, I was levitating on a slab of ice. I kid you not, I was freaking floating in the air on a piece of ice. I looked at me hand, the palm was facing down while my right hand was in a fist. I tried relaxing my left hand and the slab of ice started tilting to the left. I quickly made my hand face down again and tried experimenting with my right hand. When I put my left hand palm up the slab of ice moved forward, when I did that palm down the slab of ice went backwards. I lowered myself slightly so I could see the roads through the misty clouds and I sped off towards my destination. Honestly, I never thought I could say I traveled "slab of ice" style. I got to the location and I saw everyone below, they were starting to board the gray ship so I quickly started to lower myself. The slab of ice was starting to melt anyways. Once I had safely gotten on the ground, I could see that everyone had showed up. Dr. Stein had just asked Mick if he could bring Jax in, who was apparently knocked out. Mick carried Jax's body and I quickly followed stealthily behind. I had successfully boarded the weird future ship thingy. The gate closed behind me and I watched everyone follow Rip to the main room while I stayed behind trying to figure out a way to stow away. I opened a door to this closet which held a bunch of huge machine guns. As soon as I closed the door a giant blue face appeared.

"Mrs. Lynx, pleasure to have you on board! Shall I alert Mr. Hunter?" The face asked.

"Uh--what?" I asked.

"Shall I alert Mr. Hunter that you are on board?" She asked.

"No-- don't--no don't alert him." I said quickly looking at the face. "Who are you again?" I asked cautiously.

"Gideon. Mrs. Lynx would you like me to take you to the infirmary?" Gideon asked.

"No--er, thank you. Gideon, what are you?" I asked.

"Artificial intelligence." Gideon responded.

"Cool--um, would you mind telling me who's on this plane?" I asked.

"Of course, I'm sure the Time Masters would like to hear who the Legends are. " Gideon responded. "Leonard Snart, Mick Rory, Sara Lance, Ray Palmer, Professor Martin Stein, Jefferson Jackson--"

"You mean Jax." I said, telling Gideon my nickname for Jefferson.

"Kendra Saunders, or Chay-Ara and Carter Hall, or Khufu." Gideon finished. "And of course you Mrs. Lynx." Gideon said with her computer smile.

"Thank you Gideon, that will be all." I said.

"Mr. Hunter will be starting the Waverider, they will be traveling to the 70's in order to talk to Mr. Boardman about Vandal Savage." Gideon informed me. "I'm afraid it's unsafe for you to travel without a seat belt on. "Gideon announced. "I will announce your arrival and pull up a new seat for you." Gideon said, disappearing immediately.

"No! Gideon!" I yelled. I heard Gideon's voice through the ship,

"Gideon, why is there another chair?" I heard Rip ask.

"We have a guest on the ship." Gideon said calmly.

"We have an intruder? Capture them and bring them here immediately!" Rip ordered. Suddenly the red lights went off and Gideon's face appeared.

"Intruder alert, Intruder alert!" Gideon yelled. A bunch of robots charged at me, I quickly grabbed a gun and started firing at them. I kicked open the door where I could hear everyone running around trying to find the intruder. I quickly ducked into the door just as Ray turned the corner. In this room there was a bunch of suits that had little watches. They were labeled "Time Master Suits". I quickly threw the girl one on and kicked open the door. Standing right in front of me was Sara Lance.

"Wait-- aren't you?" Sara quickly ducked as I threw a glass at her. I could hear people already rounding the hall so I quickly threw the little bomb thing I saw that said "tranquilizer" at Sara and she collapsed to the floor, unconscious. I saw a wave of flames appear in front of me and I quickly doused them out with water that appeared out of nowhere.

"What the heck?" I heard Mick say. I ran out of the closest and into the big room where all the chairs were as well as the controls. I ran to the front trying to find a button that said escape hatch just as everyone corned me in the room. My back was turned to them so all they could see was this long cape like outfit and my long curly hair trailing down my back.

"Who are you?" I heard Snart ask. I turned around and stared at everyone, seeing their shocked faces. I gave a little wave.

"Heyyyy guys." I coughed. Ray was just staring at me with his mouth open while Snart was smiling while staring. Rip Hunter looked at me with horror.

I always seemed to get into these situations...

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