Rest In Peace, Alexa Lynx.

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Here lies---

NOPE. You can't just kill me, I'm Alexa. THE ALEXA. I refuse to die by a stupid rock.  As if . If I'm going to die, it's going to be because a unicorn jabbed me in the heart, not by a godforsaken piece of earth!

People say when you die your whole life flashes past you. That's a complete lie. All I saw was a bunch darkness. I had somehow fallen directly on another, very unstable ledge that was crumbling before me. Snart had jolted awake and looked down, at where I was hanging on for dear life.

"Alexa." He yelled from above. Another rock crashed near me, causing me to inwardly groan. My head was dizzy and I felt like throwing up, for the fourth time.

"Don't come down." I screamed pressing myself up against the wall.

"I wasn't planning too." Snart responded. A beam of ice shot down and froze a rock that was about to land on my head.

"We are going to try and send some units down!" The police officer said from overhead.

"Great. I'll focus on NOT dying." I yelled, closing my eyes trying to remember my happy place. I took a step backwards, trying to press myself up against the rock wall even further but that caused the ledge to crumble a little more.

"Could you stop moving?" Snart asked. Three firefighters were slowly scaling down the mountain toward Snart who was trying to keep an eye on me. They put Snart in handcuffs and one of them brought him up where a police car was waiting. The other two scaled down even further and grabbed me, slowly lifting their way up to the top of the mountain. As soon as we got to the top I bent down and hugged the ground, throwing up again. A group of paramedics quickly rushed over to me and started performing tests on various parts of my body. I felt someone hug me from behind and there was Caitlin and Cisco.

"Hey." I said weakly.

"Barry searched the whole city for you. Then we heard the news of two people stuck on the side of the mountain." Cisco said.

"Barry was going to go and get you guys but the police were already there, it was too risky." Caitlin said apologetically.

"It's fine."I paused looking at the police car, Snart was staring directly at me. "Any idea where--uh-- Snart is going?" I asked.

"To jail..." Caitlin said.

"Right." I replied. Suddenly a police guard screamed and everyone looked toward the police car that held Snart in it, the door was open and a black motorcycle was zooming away into the distance. The police cars chased in pursuit but I couldn't help releasing a small smile. I'm assuming this meant Snart and I would meet again, but this time I owed him one.

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