Great, Now I'm A Hostage.

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A/N: Thank you for reading the book! I hoped you've enjoyed it so far. Leave a like and comment if you can! Much love!


I woke up with a gasp and looked around. I was in a comfortable bed despite the conditions of the walls. Everything was dark and black. It seemed to be night time and I could see a basin filled with red tinted water. My leg was throbbing with pain and my head hurt. Not only that but I could see four feet right outside my door, meaning I was being guarded. Who had security guard a gimp. I couldn't sit up, much less plan a whole escape routine. The door opened and in walked my not so favorite mysterious bank man.

"You're awake." Snart stated. What observation skills he had.

"Why am I here?" I asked. He looked at me with one eyebrow raised.

"I didn't get any money, so a ransom should do the trick." Snart said. He handed me a plate filled with delicious smelling food.

"A ransom? Who do you think is going to pay that? No family, hardly any friends and god forbid my bank loses an accountant." I glared at him. 

"Well it doesn't look good on a bank if one of their associates disappears after a bank robbing? The bank will pay the ransom and-"

"Okay but you circled back to get me, you could've run away scot free now you have a liability on your hands."

"You're the equivalent of a plant. You can't move. You can live. And all you need is a little sunlight-" Snart walked over and opened the blinds. "and some food," he gestured towards the plate in front of me.

"Great, I'm a plant." I replied glumly. At least I wasn't being kept in a dirty basement and chained to the floor. 

"A pretty one. Like a rose." I was too angry to be won over with smooth words.

"Or hemlock, poison ivy, mountain laurel, jimson weed. Any of those are suitable plants for me to be."

"All of those are poisonous." Snart commented.

"That's the point." I grunted. "How long am I staying here?"

"Until there is cold hard cash in my pocket." Snart responded sitting down on a chair.

"Pockets are relatively small, you wouldn't be able to fit a large amount of bills in there, and it would also be conspicuous looking if you had huge pockets.

"That isn't the--"

"I suppose mens pants are larger then a women's, but still, you can't possibly fit that many-"

"Could you quiet down for a second? You talk so much for someone who is shot in the leg." Snart rubbed his temples.

"Yeah, thanks by the way. No pain reliever, just some crummy bandages. For a kidnapper you really need to work on your bed side manners." Snart looked at me in disbelief.

"You're the most annoying bait I've ever met," He stood up and looked out the window.

"Glad to know I'm winning at something," I said sarcastically again. I took off the warm covers and tried moving my leg.

"I wouldn't try to do that." Snart said, his gaze was still out the window. I scowled and shoved myself off the bed, the pain was too great. My knees buckled and I crumbled to the floor. Snart rushed over and caught me inches before my head hit the floor. "That's what stupidity looks like." Snart muttered.

"Ow." I groaned as Snart lifted me gently and put me back down on the bed.

"Oh I get it, I can't run. The perfect crime." I said wincing.

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