AlexaIsNotOnFire (Lol)

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Okay, I'm sorry. That title. *DYING*. I'm allowed to laugh at my own jokes like twice in my life without being crazy.

I started off any typical weekend. Eating chicken and ice cream while crying about my life. Oh, that came out wrong. Usually I would hang out on my couch and watch "Prison Break." (reference), "Glee" (reference, damn I'm on fire (reference inside a reference)) or reading superhero comics (I'll stop now....). But now with my new pent up fury, I was spending my afternoons trying not to burn my apartment down. This basically meant crying over a carton of ice cream and contemplating life. I mean, let's be real my life had gone to crap ever since that one day in the office where I got chosen by the freaking terrorist to be the one to kidnap. I mean then again, I could take my knife and plunge it into the heartless chest of Sasha and then twis- I heard a loud knocking on the door which interrupted my thoughts on murdering Sasha.

"I'LL BUY ALL THE COOKIES YOU HAVE!"I yelled, scampering up and grabbing my wallet. I opened the door to see Barry standing there with something called "real food"...psssh, I live on delivery food services.

"Wow, you really are as depressed as Ray tells me." Barry said walking into my dimly lit house. "Since when were you a vampire?" Barry asked.

"Well I figured now that a group of mass murderers, thieves and kidnappers know where I live I might as well try and knock them out with my stench." I said sarcastically.

"Well, I brought you some home cooked, actual food." Barry said handing me a bag of chicken noodle soup."

"Do I look sick to you?" I asked Barry gesturing to my stained sweats, crumpled sweatshirt and knotty, dirty hair.

"Do you want me to answer that?" Barry asked.

"Whatever, I immensely enjoy not talking to civilization." I said grabbing a spoon and eating the soup.

"It's been two days. Felicity and Oliver have to go back on their honeymoon tomorrow, you're not going to even say goodbye?" Barry asked.

"Goodbye." I said turning Glee up louder. Sebastian Smythe was making his big song with the Warblers (THE IRONY, I CAN'T TAKE IT) and it was the best scene.

"Alexa!" Barry said speed grabbing the remote and turning the TV off.

"M'KAY BOY, let's get one thing clear. YOU NEVER. I MEAN NEVER. EVER. EVER. Get in the way of me and my glee...I will tear your head from your body right there and then." I yelled.

"Yep, Caitlin told me your rage would be up." Barry said speed bringing me to my shower area (bathroom..whatever---same difference).

"You wash up, I'll deal with your vampire apartment." Barry said speeding away and back to get me a clean towel and clothes. I groaned loudly and shut the door on Barry's face, literally. I heard a loud thump on the floor and a groan. "OW." He said.

"Oh stop your complaining!" I mumbled turning on the hot shower and cleansing my body of the filth that had gathered up the last two days. After about 30 minutes, I was feeling much calmer and more like myself. I changed into my clothes which consisted of a white shirt, navy blue skinny jeans a silver necklace and my hair up in a high ponytail. I opened the door to see my apartment with light beaming inside and it shining crystal clean. Barry was on the floor exhausted covered in pizza stains."Oy, clean up speedster!" I  said, throwing my wet towel on his face. Barry chuckled weakly and stood up while handing me a letter.

"What's this?" I asked him as we walked out the door. Barry had already speed showered and changed, idiot. (*cough* hormones)

"It's what's happening to your cells in your body. Caitlin, Cisco, Jay, Felicity and myself did an advanced research session while you were moping in your apartment." Barry quickly speeded me to STAR Labs where everyone was happy I wasn't dead, they just couldn't see my inside that was the definition of dead.

"We need to do a few blood analysis." Caitlin said walking over to me with 5000009328423 needles in her hand.

"Ha, hope you ain't talking to me sweet pea, cause you ain't getting close to me with those needles." I said backing away. A plant on the table burst into flames and Caitlin backed off.

"Do you think this is anything like Firestorm? Her cells aren't balanced?" Caitlin asked.

"I thought you already had this figured out!" I complained.

"We do, we just don't have a cure." Caitlin mumbled.

"We have an incoming call from URMOTHER1234..." Felicity said.

"Well my mother obviously can't be dangerous!" I said sarcastically. "Pick it up." I replied. Snart and Sasha's face suddenly appeared on the screen.

"Like my creative username? Well anyways lovelies, we need to meet with Alexa about some certain opposite cell things. I don't want to die so I might be shipping Alexa off to Earth 2, enjoy!" Sasha said in a sweet tone waving goodbye.

"We'll come unarmed and no tricks. I promise." Snart said with a little smirk. I saw Sasha give Snart a kiss on the cheek and a HUGE bubble of rage burst inside of me. Suddenly the table in the lab burst into fire and Cisco ran over to get the extinguisher. After 5 traumatizing moments for him the fire was contained.

"Alexa, you all right?" Barry asked.

"I will be, after I KILL Sasha." I muttered.

"Try to contain your urge for now." Ray said in a soothing manner. I smiled at him and my heart calmed down a little, the fire burning in my chest simmering a bit.

Then I burst into flames.

WOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. *high five* Yesssssss 4k, 330 votes and *drum  roll* 100 comments. Congratulations people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please leave a like if you're enjoying and a comment would be amazing as well! LOVE YOU GUYS LIKE SOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!! #snart fam


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