Start from the beginning

I knew I went far in saying this. The humans liked to believe that their God created the humans to be in his image, but among the angels this was believed to be a great insult. How could God, a strong and all-wise being be as flawed as the humans themselves? Angels were allowed to make human mistakes; though it was frowned upon, angels had once been human beings after all. However, God was not a human being, nor was he an angel. God could not make the same mistakes humans did. He just couldn't. That would mean he was flawed, and therefore it would mean he was not as all-wise as angels liked to believe he was.

I had achieved the reaction I had wished for. The angel who had first seemed so stern was now wide-eyed with shock, doubt all over his face.

"I will come with you," I said calmly. "Amitiel will come with you. Whatever angel wishes to come, will come with you to meet Father so they can see for themselves whether they agree or not that this is the real one, as you say he is. Because I know that every fallen angel you see here has heard Father's voice to tell them their fate. To tell them they woulnd't be allowed to return. And so, every angel that fell has heard His voice over and over again in their dreams. Therefore, if the voice I heard in heaven was really Father they will know this, and they will say so." I looked at Amitiel and she nodded, taking out the portal she had stolen so we could escape.

"But wait," the man next to me sputtered. "Only you and Amitiel are to come with me! You are not to go on your own, and... They," his face was one of disgust and the venom in his voice was unable to be ignored as he gestured around the open place, now filled with fallen angels, "are not invited."

I looked at the man, and then looked around the crowd and shrugged.

"Too bad."

Then I walked back inside, going upstairs. "Matthew, come with me," I said. "Amy, you too. Gadreel, you make sure our host gets a refreshment while he awaits." I knew Gadreel; he would have taken my hint. I had no intention of giving this man a refreshment or as much as a seat, I just wanted him to be kept busy so he wouldn't be able to leave without us. If he left without us he could do a lot of harm in heaven. He could turn my words and say I didn't want to come because I didn't believe in God; because Amitiel was here there would be no real way for them to uncover the truth.

I sighed as I walked up the steps and opened the first door I came across. Hm. Bathroom. That wasn't what I was looking for. The second door let to a bedroom, and so did the third. The fourth however had a desk in it. It looked like an office of some sorts. Perfect. "Sit," I gestured towards the two angels who had followed me.

"We need to form a plan," I said as I paced up and down the room. "I know that a lot of angels will want to come with me, and we have to find a way to stop them from lashing out at their brothers and sisters. We have to find a way to keep the peace. Amy," I turned towards her. "What did they say to you to convince you to fight us?"

Amy looked down and shuffled uncomfortably. "Father told me that you were evil, and that you were convincing more and more angels to turn evil. Therefore, the balance between good and evil was in danger and heaven could lose its power, destroying Earth and everything in its path as it would fall. But Lucifer," she looked up at me and I was struck by the doubt and sadness in her eyes. "Are you most certain he isn't Father?"

I stopped my pacing as I heard the pain in her voice, and I realized how what I had said must have hit her. I realized the real meaning behind this question; She was the one angel of truth. She was supposed to detect any lie, to uncover every truth, to know all what was going on behind the schemes. Because there were schemes, even in heaven. There were lies, and betrayal. Angels weren't perfect, and there wasn't a real division such as heaven and hell. The only division there was, was that souls, the people, who had been bad in their life – and therefore hadn't learned enough – were put back on Earth to be reborn again so they would get another chance to try. The only time one could become an angel was if the soul was fulfilled, if they had learned everything there was to learn about life. This didn't mean they were perfect though; there were always those who tried to gain more power for themselves. Always those who messed with the balance of things.

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