Start from the beginning

I looked towards where we were walking and stopped talking again. That was all I remembered from before I fell. They had warned me though. Said that Lucifer was lying to us. That angels like us weren't supposed to have a free will like he wanted us to have. That it was wrong, that it would mess with the balance of things.

I wondered. If I hadn't remembered anything about heaven all my life on Earth, would Lucifer remember? Had Luke just been toying with me all this time? Had he known that I was a fallen angel and had he just pretended not to know anything? Had he known what he had caused?

"Okay," Jessica said slowly. "I guess I believe you... Since I don't have any idea how to explain what's going on right now otherwise... Unless I must be dreaming of course. But then I might as well play along." She thought for a moment. "So, I suppose your plan is to get Luke here in heaven so he can call the angels back, or something? And so he can get punished for going against God, since that is a sin, right?" she then said.

This was not what I expected her to say. I thought she would be ignorant and would try to counteract with me that Luke was a good guy and all. If his girlfriend believed he could really be the cause of all of the bad things that had happened lately... She had known him for a long time. It gave me hope that what I was thinking must be true.

"Yeah, to restore the peace in heaven and on Earth, Lucifer needs to get sentenced in heaven," I nodded.

"Stop talking," one of the angels finally said, looking annoyed.



I inhaled deeply as we stumbled through the snow towards a cabin. Glancing at Amitiel I recalled a distant memory. It was something with a lot of flashes, something... It disappeared before I could really understand what it was.

I shook my head and looked in front of me. After I had pushed the door open I noticed that the cabin seemed bigger on the inside . Amitiel followed me up the stairs and stood behind me on the front porch. "It was the best I could think of in the heat of the moment," she said. I nodded and stepped inside.

The seriousness of the situation hadn't completely dawned on me. Instead of freaking out I focused my attention on taking in my surroundings. The cabin was big, as I had noticed before. There were three couches in the living room and a fire place, with in the middle a big, round coffee table. To my right there was a kitchen. Opening the fridge and cupboards I saw it was stacked with food. "Yours?" I asked her. She merely shook her head. I mentally shrugged. Who cares whose it was? We didn't need the food anyway, and we would be gone before they had noticed we were ever here.

I left the kitchen and saw a staircase. Never mind. It was probably leading to bedrooms and such. I laid down on one of the couches as I head Amy going upstairs. "What you doing?" I mumbled.

"Checking for possible intruders," she replied. I nodded contently. Good to know at least one of us was thinking straight.

"So what do we do now?" I asked her in a normal speaking voice.

"We wait for the other fallen to find you," she replied somewhere from upstairs. I smiled. Felt damn good to have my angel senses back again. As if on cue someone knocked on the door.

"You think there are many?" I wondered out loud as I opened the door. I blinked a couple of times as I took in the situation in front of me. "Ah. There you are." I then said and smiled. "Come on in." I left the door open and went back to sit on the couch again as angels poured inside. They didn't seem to stop coming, stomping the snow off of their shoes before they entered and then carefully took in their surroundings, eyes lighting up when they noticed me. A man stepped forward, big smile on his face.

"Lucifer! Long time no see amigo," he came towards me and engulfed me in a hug. I stood up and  laughed as I patted him on the back.

"Matthew! Good to have you here." I stepped back and looked around the room now filled with talking and laughing people. Angels, I corrected myself. To my surprise I remembered them all. It wasn't like I recognized them because of how they looked, it was more like... Something deeper. Whenever someone would look me in the eye I would see their soul, see the being they had been while in heaven. I nodded. They were angels. I was an angel. This was completely insane.

A hush fell over the crowd as Amy came down the stairs again. She looked up as she realized the change in atmosphere and I saw her starting to feel uncomfortable. 

"So," Matthew broke the silence. He was still standing next to me. "What do we do now?" Everyone turned towards me, and suddenly everyone said something at the same time.

"We should take back our rights!"

"Let them know how it felt to be cast out!"

"Show them you aren't a bad guy!"

"Fight back!"

I raised my hands and they went silent again. The looks in their eyes were those of adoration, trust. They put their faith in me, and I couldn't let them down. Their cries had stunned me however. Were they really that vengeful? Did they really think picking a fight would take us anywhere? What were we, high school children? I smirked at the irony.

"Dear brothers and sisters," I started. I took a deep breath. What was I going to say? I had no idea what I was going to say. I had no idea how I was going to get them to calm down. Revenge could be a strong force. I was only a high school student, not some freaking angel leader.

"Dear brothers and sisters," I said again. "I know you feel hurt. I know you feel betrayed by our others back up there. I know you might feel like it is our right to march towards the gates and demand our entry, demand respect." The group began to mumble. I waited till they were silent and raised my voice, as I saw there were still beings that were outside as well.

"I know that is what you might think is right, but I do not agree." This time there were no mumbles. There was dead silence as everyone looked at me, eyes going wide.

"Do you really think that would be a good idea? To show them we are exactly what they thought us to be?" I said softly. "A rebellion?" I noticed that people were shuffling around, and that they were starting to feel uncomfortable.

"Look at me!" I said loudly. Every eye was now focussed on me. "My dear Amitiel. A few days ago, she still thought we were bad. That we were a rebellion only waiting to find our chance. That we were armed, preparing for battle. But now she sees that we are not. She knows now, that only a day ago all I still worried about were my exams, what I was going to do about my girlfriend..." my voice died out a bit. "Petty human things." I then said. "Petty human things were the only thing on my mind. However, the angels still in heaven do not know that. How do you think they will react when we go back there, marching in with determined looks on our faces? How do you think those who have seen us fall will react? They will have to believe what they have been told. They will have to believe we are there to overthrow our Father, and they will have to take up arms against us." I looked around and tried to look at everyone at the same time.

"Our own brothers and sisters will have to fight against us because they do not have a choice. Because you are not giving them a choice." My voice was now booming over the crowd.

"So no. We will not be going back to take revenge. We will not be going back to demand respect. After all, respect is not demanded, it is earned. Do not become what the leaders made us out to be. Do not give them that satisfaction."



Pretty dramatic ending haha. How do you like it so far? Only a few more chapters to go!

Love Xx.~

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