As we were sitting in the cafeteria, talking about some random video Matt had send us, I suddenly noticed Matt perking up. "No way," he whispered to himself.

"Matt? You alright mate?" I asked him.

"Yeah yeah, it's just, you remember that girl I told you about right, the hot chick from the bar?" he said distantly.

"Yeah of course I do man, and I told you, you were dreaming. I know nobody at this school who fits that description," I laughed.

"I told you, she was going to change schools to get here." I shook my head.

"Nobody changes school so close to the end of the year Matt, don't be stupid." Matt grinned.

"Well my friend, I hope you have enough ice for that burn, because that's her." He pointed and we all followed his finger to the front of the cafeteria, where we saw a girl gazing about. She did indeed fit Matt's description, with her long black hair, slender figure, and even the exact same clothes as he had told us about.

"Well," Jessica said, scraping her throat. "If you know her so well, why don't you ask her to come over here and sit with us?" Matt gazed at her.

"I could do that? I mean like, she wouldn't hit me in the face or something?" Jessica shrugged.

"Guessing from the fact that she's still standing at the exact same spot as before, I don't think she really knows anybody. So maybe she did indeed just transfer from schools for some weird reason. And she doesn't seem like the type who makes friends easily. No offense." I looked at the girl again and saw Jessica was probably right. Although the girl was pretty – there was no doubt about that – she had a harsh look about her that didn't make her seem like she was easily approachable.

"I'd say go for it," I told him. I had never really seen Matt talk to girls before, and the way he sometimes spoke about it as if it was something he did on a daily base had made me curious. "Blow her away with your random darting references." I grinned. As if any girl would fall for that. Matt took a deep breath and my eyes widened. He wasn't going to yell at her through the whole cafeteri-


I face palmed. "Smooth man, very smooth."

"What?" he said. I shook my head and sighed.

"Couldn't you be a bit more casual?"

"No," Matt stated. Jessica chuckled.

"Well, she doesn't seem to be very happy with you," she said while gesturing with her head. The girl was now walking towards us with a stiff gate, as if she was forcing herself to stay calm. As she came closer I saw she wasn't just pretty, she also seemed to be.. Deadly? Drop-dead-gorgeous had suddenly gotten a more literal meaning, I decided. I didn't even know what it was. Maybe it was the way she moved, looking straight forward, not bothering to get out of the way for others. Or maybe it was the way she stepped around feet, bags and food laying on the floor without having to look down. Or the fact that she had a murderous gaze directed at Matt, that could also be the cause of it. Whatever it was, she didn't look like someone I'd want to piss off. I looked over at Matt and saw him gulp. Guess he had gotten to the same conclusion.

"Told you she was intense," he whispered. I sniggered. As long as she didn't bother me, I didn't really care.

"You called?"

I grimaced. Geez, her voice seemed to fit her personality quite well.

"Yeah I.. Hi." Matt tried his best smile.

"What do you want?"

"Nothing I.. Just thought you probably wouldn't know anyone yet so you might want to come here and sit with me?" I kicked Matt under the table. "With us, I mean. Us." He winced.

"Hm," the girl said. She looked around the cafeteria and frowned, muttering to herself. "No one seems to sit alone so I might as well..."

"Exactly," Matt said with a wide smile, even though that last bit was probably not meant for him. "So you sitting down or what?"

"Fine," Amy said – finally I remembered her name again – and grabbed the chair closest to her.

"Actually that is Gab-," Matt started, but Jessica cut him off, giving him a warning look.

"So, Amy, what brought you to our school so late in the school year?" she asked in a friendly manner.

"Home situation," Amy replied shortly. We all looked at her expectantly and Amy stared back at us. "It's complicated," she then said, realizing we were waiting for an answer.

"Alright," Jessica said, realizing that was all we were going to get. "I gotta go anyway and say hi to my friends. Luke," she turned to me. "Can you make it tonight or not?"

"No, I told you already that I couldn't baby. I got some studying to do if I wanna pass. Sorry." I smiled apologetically.

"Alright," she nodded and gave me a quick peck on the lips. "See you guys."

"Tell me Luke," Amy asked me while Jessica left. "What do you have to study for?" She leaned forward on the table.

"You know," I said while giving Matt a 'what-the-fuck?'-look. "Math, Physics, Chemistry..."

"Because if you don't do that tonight, you won't pass?"

I shrugged. "Of course I'll probably still pass, it's just that I..."

"So you lied." It wasn't even like she asked me if I did, she just stated it as if it were a fact.

"Well no, I guess I merely exaggerated but I most certainly didn't..."

"Exaggeration, twisting words, holding things back you know you should tell... Those things do in fact all fall under lying." Amy sat back in her chair again, looking triumphant as if she had just said the smartest thing ever. I rolled my eyes and gave Matt an even more 'what-the-fuck?'-look than before.

"Oh please, don't be such a miss know-it-all. It's not going to make people like you, you know."

Amy opened her mouth to make a retort, and then looked away. I know that hadn't been a very nice thing to say after just meeting the girl, and I kind of instantly regretted it seeing how she reacted to it, but I couldn't take it back. Besides, she had really been on my nerves. Why would it be her business if I go out with Jessica or not? I huffed. "Gotta go to class anyway. See you guys around." I picked up my plate and walked away. God, people said you could never redo first impressions right? Well, she just totally blew hers.

I checked my schedule to see which class I had next and sighed. Dear god, school was tiring. 



I'm sure a lot of people will second that last statement there, Luke.

So guys, what do you think of it so far? :D Comment and vote if you liked this chapter! See you next time (:


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