Chapter 24

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He understood what it was like to feel like an outcast, he was one of them in the south. Being used to his winter coats and cold north air the souths radiance showered over the people like the Lannister's glory. He knew that she was a Lannister and although when she spoke or dealt with day to day activities he had to question this you could tell simply by the way that she looked that she was a Lannister who demanded to be respected and heard.

Robb laughed with his men as they all looked worn and tired form their days work and traveling which had taken a toll on the few elder men and the respectful lords. Robb wanted Amelia to feel this comfort that he had had a life time to muster with the men around him but he knew that she would struggle her name was what held her back. Amelia's small frame being noticed in the distance as she smiled at the younger lord who bowed to her and whispers something into her ear. She smiled great fully at him, she was thankful and Robb c could tell this just from one look at her she was grateful for, any of the things that life had given her.

She looked beautiful and as she made her way through the sea of men, a few women and horses she still somehow demanded attention in the most simplest of clothes. Her hair was tied up into a bun held high on the top of her head with a blood red ribbon tied nicely around it; her small flowing dress was tight to her hips with the pale peach colour of her dress flaring out at the bottom making it suitable to ride in. many a lord stared at her and the beauty that she held and although she smiled at the kindly she feared them what they thought of her and what they were capable of. Robb knew that he would have to let his guard down and let her in ignore the name respect her; she was to be his wife after all.

The young princess walked up to her horse and greeted the lords with a small curtsy and a nod of her head before she looked around for a horse that she would be riding. Robb had debated with himself on whether he should let her ride alone by herself or with him upon his own horse and at first he had decided that, he wanted her close to him. But only a few seconds after he realised that she should have her own horse and had someone saddle it up straight away. As she continued to look around she notices the same young knight who had whispered in her ear walking with a horse at his side and walked proudly to Amelia. "Your horse my lady" Amelia laughed as she looked to the young knight "why thank you." Amelia stated as the young man bent his knee for her to be able to climb upon the horse. As she did so she laughed loudly at the knight whose checks started to blush as she knew that he had just got his uniform all muddy and that was something that was seen as dishonourable "you're an honourable man sir. I thank you humbly." The pair laughed once again and as Robb looked closer at the two he realise that there was something more that met the eye. It was once he looked closer at the young man that he could tell he was a Lannister of some sought and must have joined them when they had arrived at Riverrun.

Amelia sat high on her horse as she looked around at the men, Robb nodded to a few of the lords and knights before he came over to Amelia and took her horses reins into his own hands, he positioned them in a comfortable place for the princess and then gave them back to her, he knew that she loved riding but was shocked at the lack of technique that she had. All the while Robb was with her she kept her head down and her thoughts to herself. "How long have you been riding?" he asked question ally she simply shrugged in response and as Robb sighed he knew that they were back at square one and there was nothing that he could do to change her mind or the feelings that she felt.

The mass of people that were with the lord and princess started to move and as they did Robb could see the small smile on Amelia's face as she was riding. He could tell that she was desperate to gallop to go off further than she knew she could, he could tell that she didn't want to disappoint him, she had done that enough with the family that she had. She wondered what he was going to ask of her. Hoping it would be something simple and nothing that required a blood bath ending. Amalia sighed in happiness as she looked at the scenery in front of her. "My father told me that you could wield a sword. Is this true my lady?" Robb asked trying to take away the quiet and make amends. At the hearing of this many lords took interest into the conversation.

"Yes my Lord though not very well. I was being trained..." Robb looked at her quizzically before speaking his thoughts allowed "You were being trained... the king let his king's guard train you?" Amelia's head feel sharply at this as the memories of the boy came back to her. As Amelia remained quite Robb pushed on "well... I must say the king must have let you do a lot more than what was speculated around the..." Amelia cur Robb off quickly "He didn't teach me." It was almost as if Amelia wanted to shout and scream what she had just said but it came out as nothing more than a whisper, as she starred ahead Robb could see that her face had twisted into one of pain and she could contemplate how to continue. Robb noticed that Amelia took her eyes off of the long and winding rode and looked down to her arm which as she winced slightly before snapping her head back to the road.

"Then who taught you, I was told of the defeat you had against a knight in the throne room. They say if you had had better attire in you could have won, maybe I could challenge you sometime." Amelia laughed subtly at the statement. "Word travels fast." The young lord nodded his head, "I would love to know who taught you." Robb let out subtly but he wasn't expecting Amelia's short and quick answer "Well you cant." Robb was going to reply "He's dead. Head chopped off. Kings orders." And just like that the conversation was stopped and everyone that was listening in went back to their small conversations with the people around them.

The sun had reached the middle of the sky and they must have been riding for some time as they decided to call it a day, they wanted to ride through the night they were told that they were close to Winterfell but Robb didn't want to put that pressure on his men and also decided that he had to speak to them about his father. So he called his men to stop at the next large opening of land and they would stay there until that dawn broke in the morn. Robb saw that his men had found a small opening and stopped pulling Amelia and her horse over to him as he watched his men go as they gave the lord and princess and small nods they went past.

Amelia looked at Robb confused he started trotting over down a small path and then turned his head back to Amelia signalling for her it join him in which she did. As she followed Robb putting her trust into him implicitly. As he noticed that she was following him he smiled. "You want to ride don't you? Well going on than as long as you don't stray too far, lead the way and I will follow." She smiled a real genuine smile and started her horse into a gallop as she laughed when she felt the cold northern air hit her cheeks and the loud neigh of her horse. She galloped the way to a small river and decided that she would jump off as she let her horse have a small drink, as she looked behind her she saw Robb behind her "You do enjoy to ride don't you." He laughed whole heartedly as he also got off of his horse and walked up to her.

He didn't know what to say to her, the anger in him wanting to struck her for what her family had done to her father, but his other side wanted so desperately wanted to know her more and form a strong relationship that he didn't want to let his animalistic side prevail; but he didn't want to let her win either. Ignoring the battle that he would have with the King of the 7 kingdoms the war going on in his head was one of fury, death and pain. 

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