Chapter 17

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(Tom POV)

The ringing of my phone woke me up. I looked at my alarm clock and it was only 7:30. I groaned and answered my phone.


"Tom" It was Luke.

"Yes? this better be good I was sleeping" I groaned.

"Well get up" Luke demanded, "It's late and I need you to check your Twitter"

"Excuse me?" I said. Why did I need to check my Twitter now?

"Do it Tom" He ordered, "I will call you back in 2 minutes" He hung up.

I tapped on he twitter app on my phone. I noticed a bunch of tweets about me and a mysterious girl.

Damn it. This wasn't good. I searched through the pictures somebody had taken of me and Nicole. Most of them were around the Eiffel Tower. Nicole had shades on in all of them thankfully and her face wasn't clearly shown.

And now everybody knew I was in Paris..... fantastic.

My phone vibrated in my hands. I aswered.

"Its not what it looks like" I told Luke.

"Really? because it looks to me like you ran off to Paris to hang out with a girlfriend nobody knew you had in the city of love while you should be filming Thor 2."

"She's not my girlfriend" I said.

"Who is she then?" Luke demended.

"She's a friend and its not your business"

"It is now" Luke replied.

"Look its her birthday and I was just making it special"

"how old is she?"

"nineteen as of yesterday"

"God, she's too young for you!" He yelled over the phone

"She's not my girlfriend! and I really dont need to explain this to you"

"Please tell me you're not sharing a hotel room"

"No!" I yelled getting annoyed, "She's across the hall from me"

"Hurry back Tom and do what it takes to hide from fans and paparatzi"

"Yes mother" I said hanging up. Sometimes Luke was very strict and he wasn't even my father.

I got out of bed and took a nice shower.


(Nicole POV)




I stared at my phone. Pictures of me and Tom were all over Twitter, Tumbler and the internet. Thank God I was wearing shades. I hope Tom's not in trouble with his manager.

I quickly got dressed and got ready to go sightseeing.

About five minutes later Tom knocked on my door. I opened it and let him in. In was about 8:00 now and I wanted to go since we only had a day to dicover what Paris has to offer.

"Morning, love" Tom greeted.

"Morning" I smiled, "Have you seen the picures all over the internet?"

"Yes I have" Tom sighed, "Let's just say my manager will have a word with me when I get back to London"

"Come on, let's go to the Louvre" I said. He nodded and led me out of the hotel.
He put on some shades and handed me some.

"Now me must be more careful as I assume everybody knows I am in Paris" Tom said as we got into the lif.

"They don't know where you're staying at least" I said.

"Trust me, fans have their way of fiding out my exact location" Tom said humorously.

"We'll be fine" I said getting out of the lift and walking through the lobby and out the door.

"The Louvre is walking distance from here" Tom infromed me, "Unless you want to take a Taxi there"

"Oh no I like walking" I said walking toward the Tuileires Gardens and took a left, crossing the street.

I stopped by a small gift shop on the way and looked through the miniature Eiffel Towers and the cute souveniers.

I decided not to buy anything until I got back so I didn't have to carry it all day.


(Still Nicole POV)

We walked into a big room in the Louvre.
There were what seemed like a hundred people crowded around a painting but I couldn't tell which one. I assumed it was the "Mona Lisa".

"I'll never find my way to the front with this crowd" I said disappointed.

"Don't worry" he said walking around the crowd and to the front.


(Tom POV)

I walked to the front where I saw two security guards. There were ropes keeping the crowds in a certain area. I went to the female guard as I would probably have more luck with that one.

"Hello love" I greeted, "bonjour" She looked up at me. She examined my face. She seemed to have seen me from somewhere but couldn't quite put her finger on it.

"Bonjour, que vous faut-il ?"
She asked what I needed.

"Eh, Bonjour, je m'appelle Tom Hiddleston, je me demandais si vous pouviez faire passer mon amie au premier rang pour qu'elle ait une meilleure vue sur la Joconde."

She seemed to recognise my name as her eyes widened and her hand went to her mouth. She agreed to let Nicole through the crowd and allow her to stand in the front.

I waved to Nicole and gestured her to come. She did.

The security guard opened up a part of the ropes and let Nicole in to the front.

"It's smaller than I thought" she said looking at the Mona Lisa.

'But it's just as beautiful"
She smiled and took a couple pictures.


(Nicole POV)

We were on the way back to the Eurostar now. Tom had taken me to the Arc de Triumphe and taken me to a cafe in front of the Eiffel tower. I had bought a couple souvenirs and we now had to head sadly back home.

Paris was beautiful. It was so enchanting and romantic. Maybe I'll move here when I'm older.

"Thanks Tom" I thanked him once more.

"You're welcome. I still can't believe I spent the whole day here and no body recognised me" he said," It seems I got quite lucky"

But just as he said that a couple girls turned around after recognising his accent and walked towards us.

"Oh my gosh it's really you!" One shrieked. Tom smiled at them.

The two girls were American.

"If I take pictures with you two do you promise to keep quiet about this little encounter?" Tom offered as the girls giggled and twirled their hair. They both nodded. Tom took a couple quick pictures with them.

"Nice meeting-" Tom began but was then interrupted by one of them.

"-can I hug you?" She blurted out, "please?"

"Ehehe, sure love" Tom spread out his arms and the two girls hugged him tightly.

"Okay, how about you let me breath know" Tom said humorously but out of breath.
"Oh sorry" the girls said in unison.

"Goodbye" we said and walked on.

"Well, almost unnoticed"

A Short Note To Hiddles (a Tom Hiddleston fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now