Chapter 13

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  • Dedicated to Tom Hiddleston

(Nicole POV)

"Nicole!" someone yelled from behind me, "did you hear?"

It was Allison Harley, I thik she's in my calculus class. I dont really know many people here but I think she's the only person in school that doesnt hate me. 

"Umm, hey" I said, "Here what?"

"Half the school claimes they saw the Tom Hiddleston walking around the school!" She yelled in my face. 

"Umm, and you really believe that?" I said. Why would Tom come to my school? 

She took out her phone and showed me a picture of a huge group of people from my school and Tom.

Tom looked very annoyed but kept that same smile on his face he always has. 

"Okay then" I said

"What do you mean okay then?" she asked, "I thought Tom was like, your idol or something?!"

"he is" I said quickly, " I just...dont like fan girling in public?" I offered. 

"Sure" she said smirking. 

"Come on, we're going to be late for calc." She said dragging me off to class. 

I sat down next to Allison. 

Mr. Thomson stood up from his desk and thats when I noticed all the boxes. 

"Hello, cass" He started. There was something off about  his voice. He seemed a shock.

"Umm, I would like to congratulate Ms. Williams for having the highest grade in class" eveyone looked at me surprised. 

"Me?" I asked. I thought I got D's 

"And I wont be teaching here anymore as I quit my job here this morning" He continued. 

Everyone started whispering to eachother. 

"You can do whatever you want for the rest of the period, I really dont care, now I have to go" he said walking out of the classroom with a box overflowing with his belongings. 

Allison and I looked at eachother. 

"What's wrong with him?" I asked Aliison. She shrugged as a kid in the back row took out his ipod and started playing music really loud. 

 I took out my phone and dialed Tom's number.

I pressed my phone to my ear and heard it ring a few times before Tom answered.

"Hello Nicole, are you all right?" Tom asked.

"Uh yea, I just wanted to know if you by any chance had anything to do with me getting the highest grade in calc. , my teacher quiting his job unexpectedly, and all the rumeors going around that you were in my school?" I asked, "Dont bother denying it either I saw a picture of you and a bunch of pictures of girls from my school who happened to still be blushing and fan girling by the way"

"ehehe" I heard Tom chuckle, "let's just say it was the most autographs I have ever signed at once. And Luke is going to kill me once these pictures get on the internet." 

"Well good luck with that, Tom" I said smirking.

Allison turned to me the second I said Tom's name. She narrowed her eyes.

"Umm, thanks for everyhting I have to go" I told Tom before hanging up. 

"Its just a coinsidence, Allison"  I said, "Did you actually think it was him?"

"I heard the whole conversation, this Tom of yours was at school recently" Allison said. 

"I could have been talking about someone else?" I offered.

"Oh my gosh it totaly is him!" She yelled excited.

"Shhhh!!!" I shushed her, "i dont need the whole school knowing he's my-" 

"Your what?" She said excitedly.

"My umm, mom's friend's cousin's friend's daughter?" 

"Mhm" She said raising an eyebrow, "daughter? you;re a terrible liar" 

"just let it go Allison" I said, "please?" 

I couldnt let anyone know that Tom was practically my guardian, though not offically.

"Fine, only cuz we're friends"

Friends... I had never really considered anyone my friend before. I smiled. 

"Thanks, friend" She chuckled a bit, "Come on there's nothing keeping us in this class anymore" 


So what do you guys think?

Nicole made her first friend:)

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c ya!!

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