Chapter 10

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(Nicole POV)

I stuffed all I could in the taxi and got in with Tom.

Neither of us spoke a word the whole trip.

We arrived at a hotel some 10 minutes after and Tom helped me get my stuff out.

He got a room for me and handed me the key.

Your room is across the hall from mine. If you need anything please let me know.

"Why are you staying here?" I asked, "don't you live in London?"

"Yes, love but my manager had me stay here since I had fans following me from the airport. I'd rather they not know where I live." Tom said chuckling a bit.

Once the lift brought us to the 3rd floor I found my room. I was amazed at how nice and fancy the room was.

"I can't stay here this must have cost a fortune!" I told Tom.

"Don't worry about it love, consider it a gift" Tom said smiling.

He said goodnight and left me in my room. I could see the London Eye from my window. And the view was amazing.

(Tom POV)

I hope she found her room comfortable.

She deserved a bit of luxury in her life right now.

I had no idea what I was doing taking in a girl but I felt it was right.

I wondered what I could do to help her out. I wouldn't be around much so I hoped she would be all right when I had to leave. I lay down on my bed thinking about her and then drifted of into sleep.

(Nicole POV)

I woke up at 6:30 to my alarm clock and noticed there was a table with food in it next to my bed. I sat up next to it and noticed there was a note.


I hope you slept well. I took the liberty of ordering breakfast for you. I'm sure you can get to school from here I had to leave to film Thor 2. If you need anything please call me. I should be back at around 8 PM.

~T. W. H

I smiled. He got me breakfast how sweet.

As I ate my omelets, it finally hit me. I just met Tom freaking Hiddleston . Tom Hiddleston is staying in the room across the hall from me, Tom hiddleston saved my life. Tom Hiddleston..... Thought kept rushing across my mind. Oh my God I'm the luckiest girl alive!

I let out a high pitched squeal and began shaking with excitement. My inner fangirl took over.

Ok breath Nicole. Breath.

About 45 minutes later after my excessive fan-girling, I got on a taxi for school. I called Mark and apologized for missing work but promised to be there at night. He said it was all right and hung up.

I got to school and I paid for the taxi with the money Tom left for me to use on the taxi ride.

I walked into school with a smile on my face for the first time. The bell rang for my first class so I went to Literature.

I greeted my teacher and sat down in the middle next to a guy with a hoodie. I didn't pay attention the whole class while I daydreamed about Tom.

(Tom POV)

Filming was finally over for the day so I went to meet with Luke and accepted my role in Only Lovers Left Alive.

I walked out of the building and walked towards the nearest Prêt since it was almost 1 PM. It was nearly empty except for an elderly man sitting by the window and a group of girls wearing Avenger and Loki t-shirts . I had an hour until I had to be at an interview so I was happy there were no paparazzi but I was careful not to let those girls notice me.

I put on my sunglasses. I picked out a salad and a sandwich and walked up to the counter. I gave the two items to the young lady.

"Umm, could I also have a coffee please?" I asked politely. The lady looked up at me and smiled saying, "of course"

But then her eyes widened in realization to whom she was talking to.

She opened her mouth to say something but I stopped her

"Hush love, I am in a bit of a hurry I cant have anyone else recognize me." I said in a whisper.

She looked over to the girls at the table and back at me. She nodded eagerly.

She hurried off and brought my coffee.

"That would be £10" she said blushing hysterically.

I gave her the money and grabbed my food.

"Thanks love" I said making her blush even more though I didn't think it was possible.

I started to turn but she stopped me.

"Uh, Mr. Hiddl--Sir wait a second" she pleaded.


She handed me blank piece of paper.

"Could you please sign this?" she whispered.

I did. She thanked me about a hundred times and I walked upstairs to sit and eat.

I started to think about Nicole. What would I do with her?

I couldn't abandon her like her parents did.

But what would everyone think if I took in a stranger?

I doubt Luke would allow it anyway.

Could she survive on her own?

No, she's got no money and has nowhere to go.

I kept asking myself questions and answering them on my own.

Even after an hour of thinking, I still didn't know what to do with Nicole.

At the time, I could only hope to help her out and make sure she doesn't try to kill herself again.


Sorry short chapter but thanks for reading:)

Thanks for your comments and suggestions.



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