The Truck

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Chapter Eight

That night was the best night of my life. I fell asleep with Ryder holding me to himself, and, when I woke up, I didn’t freak out.

“Good morning, Beautiful.” Ryder smiled at me and pecked my lips as I slowly woke up.

“Huh?” I rubbed my eyes.

“Today’s the day, Zelda.” He rubbed circles into my back. “Can I suggest something?”

“What? I’m barely awake, Ry.” I yawned and stretched, confused as his eyes widened. “What now?”

“You called me Ry.”

“What about it? Sorry, I just like giving people nicknames after I’ve known them for a while, that’s all.” I slipped out of his arms and stood up. “Now, what time is it?”

“Seven O’clock.”

“Okay, good, let’s get dressed and see if anyone else is awake.”

After dressing and a few reluctant, on my part, kisses later, Ryder and I were standing in the dining room with the other Vipers. I felt strange. Maybe it was because his arm was wrapped around my waist, or the fact that tonight was the night we were endangering all of our lives.

“Okay, Vipers, any news?” Ryder said. His voice was bold and leading, but the smile on his face threw everyone off.

“Why are you so happy?” Tyson asked.

“You don’t need to worry about that,” he muttered. “Now, let’s go over the plan.”

“No, why are you so happy?”

“He has a point, you’re really happy.” Tristan said.

“It’s scaring me.” Oliver said

“I think I know why he’s overjoyed,” Miles said with a smirk. “He scored with Zelda.”

This caused the whole dining room to go into an uproar. Everyone was yelling, shouting, whistling, and hooting.

“Vipers, what I do with my-“

Here was my chance. I snuggled into his shoulder and inhaled his scent. “Ryder, I’m hungry.”

“Well, it’s time for breakfast!” He managed to choke out.

Apparently, being the leader’s girlfriend has some perks. The obvious fact that he was embarrassed, for some reason, brought me joy. Now, time for breakfast!

“Can I have bacon?” I whispered to him.

“We don’t usually fry anything. It’s unhealthy.”

“But, Ryder, it’s our big day today! Please?”

The Vipers stared at me.

“Do you think she can convince him?” Tristan whispered.

“Yes,” said Miles. “He looks like a lovesick puppy. It’s disgusting.”

Shane frowned. “I’m not sure,” he said. “He’s tough to break.”

“Do you really want bacon?” He asked. His voice was hoarse.

“I think everyone wants bacon, Baby.” I smiled up at him. “Please?”  I pouted and stared into his eyes.

“Oh, dang, I think she has him.” Elliot said quietly.

“Fine, fine, okay, we can have bacon for The Swarm Mission, okay?” Ryder laughed slightly.

The Vipers shouted in victory. “All hail Zelda, Ryder’s kryptonite!”


The whole day was spent planning for what was going down that night. Everyone seemed more tense than usual, which was saying a lot since we had The Others crowding the camp gate now.

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