Chapter 4

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"Uh him I-he's one of uhm" I stuttered.

She raised her eyebrows at me. Damn my little girl is smart.

"He's one of aunt Bella's friends" I said as I smiled at my own idea.

"Ohhhhh, okay" Aurora shrugged and put the picture on the table.

I sighed in relief and grabbed the picture. I went upstairs and went into my closet. I took a box from behind my shoe wall and threw the picture in there. I put the box back and went downstairs.

"Let's go honey" I said and we walked out into the garage. I opened the door for Aurora and helped her get in.

I got in and fixed my Rear-View mirror.

"Put your seatbelt on" I said.

"Yes mommy" she answered and did as i told her.

I put my own seatbelt on and started the engine. I drove out of my driveway and started to get out of the neighbor hood.

I drove towards the daycare to drop off Aurora.

* 5 minutes later *

I parked in my usual spot and turned the engine off. I got out and helped Aurora get off the Car. I locked the car and went in.

"Hello" Nicole waved.

"Hi" I smiled.

"Halla" Aurora said and did the peace sign.

I laughed and asked "who taught you that?"

She made an evil smirk and looked at Nicole.

"Her" she whispered and pointed at Nicole.

Nicole gasped and placed her hand on her heart "I would never"

I laughed and grabbed the pen to sign in.  "okay i'll be back later" 

i kneeled down to give Aurora a kiss when i heard a giggle. i slowly turned around and saw davi covering his mouth rying not to laugh. once he noticed me loking at him he said "boo" and laughed. 

i covered my eyes and screamed a little bit. 

"did i scare you?" he asked.

"oh my god im horrified" i sighed.

he looked at me confused. 

" i mean i got so scared" i said.

"ohhh" he giggled.

i felt someone pulling on my purse and i turned around. 

"my kiss" Aurora said and pointed at her forehead.

i chuckled and kissed her forehead.

"ahem" someone said and i turned around.

"MY kiss" davi said and pointed at his cheek. 

i widened my eyes and laughed. i kissed his cheek and got up. 

"okay kids, i gotta go, ill see you guys later" i waved and just as i was turning aorund i bumped into someone.

"whoopsie" i said and looked up.

"oh sorry" i sheepishly smiled once i saw it was neymar.

" no, no its fine" he laughed.

"okay im gonna go now" i said and pointed at the door.

"bye" neymar hugged me and went ot sign davi in.

my eyes widened and i walked out.

i was walking towards my car when i heard footsteps coming towards me. fast.

i started to speedwalk towards my car when the person yeled "wait!!"

i turned around and sighed once i saw it was neymar.

he ran up to me and smiled.

"you scared me" i sighed.

"my bad" he chuckled.

"i was wondering if you could let Aurora come over later today, or maybe some other day?" he asked.

i thought about it for a minute. i mean why not? neymar lives two houses down from mine and Aurora and Davi are like besties. so why not?

"sure, at what time?" i asked.

he smiled and said "can you do 6 pm, tonight?" 

"yup ill see you later, bye" i smiled.

"bye" neymar waved and we went our separate ways.

Neymar's P.O.V

when she agreed to bring aurora TO my house i was soooo happy.

i'm not a pervert i swear....i just want to get to know Ariadna. she is a very beautiful woman, and i really want to find out more about her.

of course i don't want to cross any boundaries i mean, she has a kid soo.... but anyway.

i got in my car and drove towards my training.


sooo i updated!!

it might show that i updated twice but, i had written more and when i published it, it said that there were a few errors and it deleted like half of what i wrote... so i hope this is ok!

i hope you guys enjoyed this because its really late and i've been really stressed this week.

i love you all!! 

especially you KaraFerruzza!! you aRe like a sister to me, our Skype calls are amazing!! and i am very honored to have witnessed the making of some chapters... i love you to death!!!


whoopsie, it was on caps lock.....


i hope you guys have a great rest of your Day/Night!

bye xx.

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