Moving Day

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Jacks POV

I press my forehead against the cool window with a sigh and clench my hands. I yawn, trying to get my ears to pop as the plane starts to descend. I always get super anxious on planes, or any height really. Turbulence was especially bad today, as if God wanted me to have a heart attack.

My grip becomes tighter on my mothers hand. She comforts me by patting my hand and talking to me. "It's okay Sean, were almost there! Just another minute or two and we'll be back on the ground, we'll go straight to the house which is already packed and you can get familiar with everything. I know moving is hard, but I know you can handle it. You're my strong little boy."

I smile as she puts her hand on my cheek. "Maaaaa, I'm not a little boy anymore!" I act like I'm complaining but really, I appreciate her help and she knows it. My mother is always there for me.

She gives my cheek a pat and settles back into her seat.

Oh. I forgot to tell you, I'm blind.

~Timey skippy~

I would have kissed the ground after we landed if my ma hadn't dragged me along. I gently shake my hand from hers, wanting to navigate in my own. I have to practice moving through crowds anyway since school would be starting soon. School crowds are probably worse than airports, in all honesty.

It's not terribly difficult, I only bump into a few people but for the most part I can dodge around everyone. People are so noisy! They can't do anything quietly, I don't even have to see them to know what they're doing.

I bump into someone's shoulder a little roughly. I mumble an apology moving my eyes towards whoever it was so it seemed normal. His voice surprises me and sends a small shiver down my spine. "No worries, it's okay." Before I am do anything else, he was gone.

I shake my head and start moving before I get knocked into. That mans voice was beautiful. His voice starts haunting the back of my mind, echoing through my thoughts. Who was he? Why couldn't I forget him?

I catch back up to my ma and follow her outside of the airport, keeping our luggage close. We pile it into a taxi and are driven to our new place. The drive there is uninteresting. Once we arrive, I help my mom take the luggage in.

I enter the house and take a deep breath. It smells clean and faintly of our old place. We kept all of our furniture so it's not a surprise. I hear my name breathing heavily beside me and the soft thump as she lowers her bags to the ground. "I tried to put everything as close to the same as I could so it wouldn't cause you too much trouble." I smile at her and give her a hug. "Thanks ma! You didn't have to go through so much trouble though!"

She laughs. "Of course I did, you're my son!" I nod in appreciation. "I'm gonna put my bags in my room!" Without waiting for a reply, I start dragging my stuff up the stairs. I carefully make my way down the hall, trying to find the right room. I push the first door open and immediately know it's the bathroom, because of how the area in it sounds. I close the door and move on to the next room.

I sniff the air inside and grin in excitement. My ma always scented my room with cinnamon and hers with lavender. I step into my room and explore with excitement.

After a little while of  exploring I walk back downstairs. I feel hungry so I decide to try and find the kitchen. I don't really have the patience to work my way around so I decide to have fun with it. Let's see if I can find the kitchen without help. Such a great idea, I know.

I start walking straight across the living room, hoping what my mom said was true and everything was in the same place. I walk straight across. I start smiling when I encounter nothing. I stride more confidently until I trip on the leg of something, I'm assuming a chair. I stumble and run straight into the wall. I fall into my butt with a yelp of pain.

I hear footsteps starting to approach a few feet to my left. "Sean, are you okay dear?" I turn my head in her direction and pout. "I was so close! It's only a few feet away! Who put this stupid wall here?" She starts laughing and I soon laugh with her.

I hear her move to right next to me and she smooths my hair out of my face before kissing my forehead. "Oh, dear, do you think you'll be fine on your own in such a new place?" I put my hand on her shoulder. "I promise I'm fine ma, I just need to get used to it! I'll be fine." I flash her what I hope is a winning smile. She chuckles and pats my cheek. "Okay dear, don't forget to visit the school so you can orient yourself!"

"Oh right! I'm gonna leave now! I'll be back soon, dinner at the latest!" I excitedly get back to my feet and rush to the door. I pulled my phone out and plug the headphones in. I then turn on directions so I actually know where I'm going.

I finally arrive at the school. The whole place was practically empty. I carefully feel my way along the wall in the general direction the office should be. I finally feel a door and open it, stepping into the warm room. A nice voice calls out saying, "Hello?"

I step closer to the voice, locking my eyes in their direction. "Hi! My name is Sean McLoughlin, I'm here to check out the school? To, uh, become more familiar with it?" I hear papers shuffling.

"You're Sean? The blind kid? Where's your mother?" I scrunch my nose and look away. Everyone expected me to be babied by my ma since I can't see. "She's at home. I'm able to handle myself, thank you very much." An awkward tension starts to grow between them.

"So can you handle yourself while searching the school? Would you like an attendant?" I smile politely and shake my head.

"No, thank you. I just wanted to let you guys know I was here." I turn and walk back to the door. I misjudge the distance a bit and when I go to grab the door handle, I smash my hand against it.

"Fuck..." I mumble under my breath as I shake my hand out. I hear the woman giggle and it makes me smile. I leave the office and start wandering the wide halls. It seemed pretty simple. After a little while I think I've got it. The stairs were this far away from the main stairs and there are so many classes in between.

After exploring the gym a bit I start heading back to the office. I had a whole week to study the school layout, I think I've had enough for today. Also it's about an hour past dinner time, or so the gym teacher says. Ma will be so upset. I sigh and hurry my footsteps, practically jogging

All of a sudden I run into something solid. I squeak in surprise as I start falling backwards, reaching my arms out for anything I could possibly grab on to. I feel arms quickly wrap around me, keeping me from falling. I feel warm, soft breath caressing my face. The person doesn't speak and nor do I. I don't know who it is or how I didn't hear them. How did I not hear them? I hear everyone!

I try to look at their face but I don't know exactly where it is. I feel my cheeks start to heat up as the silence extends. Why aren't they saying anything!? "U-um... Sorry I didn't hea-see you there." I feel my body move back into an upright position and the arms retreat from around me.

"It's fine. I wasn't looking where I was going." It was the voice. It was the same man from the airport! "Oh! I recognize you! I bumped into you at the airport!" I mentally face palm. Way to be creepy Jack. I doubt he remembers me either.

To my surprise, he replies with, "oh yeah. I remember, it was this morning. My names Mark by the way." I grin up at the invisible man. "Yeah! Um, my names Sean! But I prefer to be called Jack." There's a silence again, as if the man is waiting for something. I suddenly start getting apprehensive at the extended silence. Was he expecting me to do something? It didn't even sound like he's moved at all!

He talks again, interrupting my thoughts. "Well, it was nice meeting you Jack." "Y-you too!" I call to him. The only tale of his departure is a slight ruffle of wind. Who is this man? And how can he move with no sound? Thoughts like these weigh on my mind as I walk home, the sound of his voice still tickling part of my brain.

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