Chapter 1 - Welcome Aboard Lad

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 Chapter 1

Jestiel's POV

"Jes!" my father shouted to me from where he was steering the ship. "You know what to do!"

I groaned, knowing exactly what he was talking about; the shadow was coming. Despite me being 14, I listened grudgingly, still not understanding why I had to hide every time the shadow came with a new boy. Grabbing my cloak and pulling up the hood, I voiced my complaint. "He doesn't want girls, Papa." I told him after I walked up to the wheel next to him.

"Stop complaining," my father told me, not even looking at me, "I'm the captain and I give the orders, you follow them." he told me sternly, while I mouthed the words along with him. At his last few words he looked into my deep grey eyes giving me a look in response to my mouthing.

"Yes sir." I mocked then quickly walked off to the edge of the ship before he threatened to throw me to the mermaids, which he always did when I annoyed him.

Being Killian's - or better known as Captain Hook - daughter had lots of its perks. Being a pirate was awesome, being on the sea was amazing and the crew was pretty fun too. I hated Neverland though, I was never allowed on the island unless my father or at least three of the crew members were there to escort me because He might take me away.

I had never actually seen the mysterious "He", but I knew to be scared of him. I'd seen his shadow more times than I could count, but I hadn't actually ever seen him. By the way my father described him, he must have been horrible. When we first came to the island, when I was about six, and my father met Him, I was always told to stay away from Him. No one bloody even says his name around me, therefore I had yet to learn it's. The man that Father talked about was probably the most evil person that you could ever meet, or in my case, hear about. He kidnapped boys from their homes and forced them to become his evil accomplices and do whatever he wanted.

When I heard a boy fighting and screaming, I looked up from the water to see the shadow only a ways away, his new victim in hand. Suddenly, the shadow screeched and I saw the boy fall. I gasped and leaned closer to the water, watching what was happening. The shadow dove down to catch him, the boy screaming as he fell. Gravity, however, won and the boy was thrown into the water, the shadow pulling up immediately, as he couldn't enter the water. He hovered, searching for what he lost but finally gave up, knowing it was hopeless and flew away with an ugly screech.

My eyes were wide and I raced towards my father, grabbing his spyglass, ignoring his yelling while I raced back to the edge, looking through it to see if the boy possibly survived. Frantically I tried to find him in the water, when I saw a shape float to the top I yelled over at my father. "Papa!"

"Oi, what's wrong lass?" one of the crew members asked.

"There's someone in the water! We need to rescue him!"

"It's probably just a mermaid." he waved me off.

"No, it's not." I argued firmly, my voice hard. "I know exactly what I saw." I gave him a harsh glare before running to the wheel and overtaking my father's command, spinning to wheel to turn to where the boy was.

"Woah! Jes! What are you doing?" my father asked, trying to stop me but I kept a firm grip on the wheel.

"If you won't save him, then I will." I growled through clenched teeth.

"Alright, alright Jestiel, move back. We'll get him. Go to the edge of the boat and help the lad up."

Giving him a quick nod, I raced back and pointed to where I had seen him land. Mr. Smee shone a light on him while the crew members yelled at each other, throwing the rope into the water while I anxiously waited for the men to haul him up.

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