"Forever and forever, Dorothy."

You will be mine in no time.


"Why is he here if he is seventeen?"

"I don't know. Maybe he's stupid or something."

"That's not nice. That's not very Omega like of you."

"It's not, but I have the right to speak my mind. No one an change that."

Ben felt his heart ache from the conversation that was happening between the small group of Omegas near him. It didn't help that they were right behind him and talked about him constantly. Some of the words were hurtful.

Is this how Mitch felt like? I deserve these mean words and Mitch deserves a better friend.

"Do you think he will graduate if he passes the Obedience test?"

"I doubt it. Only smart Omegas could pass that test."

Ben bit his lip to keep his tears at bay, not succeeding. He finally stood up and ran to the bathroom, his cheeks wet with tears. He locked himself in a stall, crying loudly. He sat down and rested his forehead on his knees, his son's echoing in the bathroom.

I deserve all of this. I deserve to be sad. I deserve to be depressed.

He cried harder, his sobs almost screams now. He could barely breathe, not hearing the bell that escorted him to his next classroom.

I hate myself.


"Kevin?" Alyssa asked softly, her eyes full of exhaustion. Kevin nodded, adjusting some of her pillows. "I have some news."

"You do?" Kevin asked, sitting down on the bed. Alyssa sat up, adjusting herself to be comfortable. "Are they good?"

"I guess. Anyway, my boss called me. They want to promote me."

"Alyssa, that's amazing!"

Kevin began to kiss her, making sure that he didn't hurt her. She began to laugh, her love for Kevin growing more. He stopped, nodding his head excitedly so she could continue.

"Yes. I am going to work at a school that has all o the rankings. I will not go to the Omega school that Ben goes to anymore."

"That's excellent, babe! When do you start?"

"A couple months after I get better. They already have me on the staff list and everything."

Kevin noticed how she became sad, her eyes blank now. He rubbed her arm, wondering why she was sad all the sudden.

"Babe, what's wrong?"

"It's where the school is located."

"Where...where is it located?"

Alyssa sighed as tears welled up in her eyes, whimpering slightly. Kevin hugged her close, not wanting her to cry. Alyssa took a deep breath, a tear finally rolling down her cheek.

"The school is in Northern California."


"Avi, are you really going to do it?"

"I'm so happy for you!"

Avi smiled as he nodded, taking out the ring. It was a simple diamond that is in a shape of a heart, but Tori wouldn't care. She loves everything Avi gives her.

"I hope she likes it," Avi replied, frowning a bit. He examined the ring, his smile coming back. "I want her I love everything I give her."

Mitch nodded, happy for Avi. The two of them acted like brothers and created a strong relationship with one another. Tori and Scott always joked that Avi and Mitch should be together because of how close they are with each other. Mitch laughed at that every time, but he will still love Avi anyway.

"I'll be right back," Mitch told Scott, kissing him gently. Scott nodded as Alex watched them from the background, glaring softly. "I need to go get something from my room."

"I love you, Princess Ariel."

"I love you too, Prince Erik."


Mitch shook his head as he laughed, walking into his room. He was starting to get cold and wanted a blanket so he would freeze. He picked one up and was about to leave when he noticed a paper with his name on it, causing him to walk up to it. He picked it up and opened it, gasping at the words instantly.

You are the ugliest person I have ever saw. You think that Scott loves you oh-so much, but he likes to lie a lot. Think about all those times he promised to protect you and he failed. He doesn't love you enough to save you. You ugly, repulsive, and fat. I can't stand looking at you.


Mitch frowned at the letter, looking at the mirror in his room. He knew that he gained some weight after Melody was born and he became very insecure when that happened. He was never fat, but he tried his best to lose all that weight and he succeeded, going back to his original weight.

This person is right though. I have been gaining a lot of weight.

That was a lie. Mitch was super skinny and seemed to lose a couple of pounds. Mitch let a tear run down his cheek, going back to his insecure ways.

I am fat. Why does Scott love me?

A/N: Mitch will become more insecure as the chapters go on, but something will happen that will cause him to be confident again. Someone gave me a few ideas.;) Anyways, I hope that you all enjoyed the chapter and remember that I love you all.:)


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