"C-Carson." I whimpered.

"I Wes, reject you, Carson as my mate." He said and I felt a searing pain before everything went black.









I woke up back in a cell still in a t-shirt shivering from the cold. I couldn't help but let the tears fall from my dull green eyes. I had my back to the door and faced the wall hugging my knees to my chest and cried.

I stopped when I heard a creak before food was handed to me. I just looked at it. This was the guy was blue eyes. He sighed before sitting down and faced me. 

"You gotta eat. Alpha's orders."

"Just let me die." I cried. "Please." I said grabbed fist fulls of his shirts. 

"I'll be back." He said sighing taking the food with him. I laid down and cried out more tears. They seemed endless and I didn't think they would ever stop.

"Why can't you just eat the god damn food Carson." I heard Wes's voice say annoyed. I sat up and looked into his eyes crying.

"Please kill me. Please." I said begging him with not only my voice but my eyes. "I don't wanna live please." I said.

He growled before putting the food down in front of me. "Eat the damn food right now."

I picked it up and threw it at him. Good thing the plate was paper. "I don't want to eat!" I yelled before turning back around and crying. 

I heard the door slam and I jumped a little. The door opened again but I ignored it. This time my hands were chained to the wall against my will of course.

Kyle, blue eyes, and Wes stood in front of me, a plate of food in Kyle's hand. "Get her to eat. I don't need my wolf being suicidal because she starved herself." He said before leaving.

The tears still fell and I felt a slight pain hit my heart. They both approached me and Kyle spoke.

"Make this easier on me and Vic here. Just open, chew, and swallow."

When there was a fork in front of my face with eggs on it I slowly opened my mouth and when closed it on the fork and chewed. I made no eye contact and I couldn't wipe the slowly flowing tears falling down my cheeks.

This happened for a while before I couldn't eat anymore. My hands were un-chained and I curled back up on the bed shivering as normal and stayed silent.

The next time they came in I didn't open my mouth, I did nothing but sat there looking down at my legs and didn't speak.

"What did you call me down here for Vic." I heard Wes say with an annoyed voice. 

"She won't cooperate." Vic said.

Footsteps were heard before a fork with a piece of sausage on it. I sat there. I was miserable. I wanted to be free like when I was running.

"Wes were your friends and I know you don't need us telling you what to do but..." Vic started but couldn't find the right words.

"You and your wolf may be fine, but she's miserable. Look at her. She's not gonna eat anymore, she doesn't look at us or talk. Maybe you should put her in a guest bedroom." Kyle finished.

"She will eat. She's not getting a room in my house."

"Well what about the pack house." Vic said.

"I said no! Eat the god damn food Carson." He said getting really pissed off. When I didn't his hand griped my jaw and he forced me to look at him.

He did a double take though. I looked dead. My eyes literally had no spark at all. My face was dirty, my hair was greasy, I was way to skinny, and my lips are cracking.

"Fine. Move her to the pack house. Whatever." He got up releasing my jaw.

My hands were released and Kyle helped me up but as soon as I took a step I went falling back down. Kyle caught me and helped me walk.

I felt eyes on my face and knew it was Wes.

I don't care if I'm in an actual bed, I lived in a cell most of my life.

 I still wasn't going to eat.


Okay here it is. The new chapter 1. No prologue this time. 

Please please please tell me if you like the new chapter 1 better than the old. 

I did work hard but if you don't like it that's okay.

I'm already working on K+Z thing so yay.

Unloved: The Rejected SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now