Chapter 7

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I just wanted to say thank you guys so much for 1.15k views on Allegiances through Chap 6!!!!! Wow! I'm so so so happy! Thanks so so much!

"S-StarClan?!" Ferndapple's voice shattered like fallen ice as her curious green eyes met Wolfkit's.

"Y-Yes..." The kits eyes fell, gazing at the dirt and moss beneath her paws. Lioneyes stepped forward, shooing Ferndapple from the medicine den.

"I need to talk to her about this... Alone..." He told her, hastily pushing her out. The large tom's bright orange eyes darted around the den, while he shoved Ferndapple out. Wolfkit shivered as the silver she-cat's tail disappeared around the corner of the medicine den. She and Lioneyes were alone.

"Oh... I... Ok..." Ferndapple's mew echoed through the fern tunnel. Her scent finally faded as she emerged into the clearing. Wolfkit tensed.

Lioneyes's gaze slowly traveled to Wolfkit, suspicion flickering under a glow of sympathy.

"What did you see?" He asked her, his deep voice portraying intrigue and interest. The tiny gray kit thought for a moment, slowly kneading at the pre-jumbled moss beneath her paws.

"W-Well..." She began, her voice wavering, "I saw a... a forest. There were stars everywhere! I saw plants, and trees, and animals..."

"Ok... Get to the point." Lioneyes hurried her along, itching to hear the depth of the story. Wolfkit swallowed,

"I was met by an ancient SnowClan warrior. I think her name was Dawntail or something..." Lioneyes lit up,

"Dawntail? She delivered the prophecy to me! Now, continue,"

"She told me that I could see the future. That I had a special power..." Wolfkit paused, reading Lioneyes' expression. He sat just opposite of her, his fur mangled and his eyes sharp. His whiskers twitched slowly, as his eyes darted up and down the kit. But Wolfkit could sense a feeling of fear enlaced in his warm scent.

"And that I had to be careful who I told, because they could use it against me." The kit finished, expectantly gazing up at Lioneyes. The tom began breathing heavily.

"I see..." He mewed, "What a wise cat, Dawntail. But Wolfkit, you must be apprenticed immediately. To a cat we can trust, a cat that can help you control it."

"Apprenticed?" Wolfkit grinned happily. Finally, she could be with Smokepaw, and learn the ways of a warrior. Her tiny heart thumped, and her eyes glowed.

"I'm going to talk to Fallowstar, you must be apprenticed today. Go clean up." Lioneyes shooed her out of the den just as he had Ferndapple, shoving her into the den's protective plants.

"Ouch!" Wolfkit squeaked, as a bramble traced across her pelt.

"You'll be fine," Lioneyes assured, racing off the Fallowstar's concealed den. Wolfkit wondered what she would make of it.

*     *     *

"Ferndapple! Ferndapple!" Wolfkit darted across the clearing towards the medicine den, trampling the fresh kill pile as she went.

"Watch where you're going!" Hissed Jadeclaw, who was sharing a vole with her younger brother Whitewhisker. The purely white tom grinned kindly at Wolfkit, his blue eyes warm and soft. He seemed to frown upon Jadeclaw's boldness. The gray kit quickly returned the gesture, before she ran into the nursery's entrance.

"Ferndapple!" She yowled, nearly knocking over the silver tabby. Startled Ferndapple yowled,

"My goodness, Wolfkit! What seems to be the trouble?" The queen's kind mew barely escaped her muzzle before Wolfkit mewed,

"I'm going to be apprenticed! Today! Lioneyes said so!" She bounced up and down on the padded moss floor, the spongy plant cushioning her paws if she fell. Ferndapple grinned,

"That's wonderful!" She purred, a hint of sadness enlacing her jubilant green gaze, "I'm so very proud of you. But we must get you cleaned up, your pelt is a mess!" As if she was a hunting cat pouncing on prey, Ferndapple pounced on Wolfkit, beginning to groom her pelt.

"Stop it! Stop!" Giggled the gray kit, her gray pelt cleaner by the second. She purred as Ferndapple drew her tongue between her ears, affectionately cleaning her adopted daughter.

"There!" Ferndapple decided, admiring Wolfkit from ear to tail. The gray kit felt cleaner, her pelt was no longer mottled and dirty, and all of her fur was going in the same direction.

"That will do just perfectly!" Ferndapple began to nod her out of the nursery, "Why don't you see what Lioneyes and Fallowstar are up to." With a quick grin, Wolfkit raced out of the den, careful not the catch her pelt on any loose brambles.

The sun seemed to shine brighter, and the birds seemed to chirp louder as a gleeful Wolfkit pounced through camp, searching for the distinguishable orange medicine cat. Her mind was racing, I'm going to be apprenticed! Today!

Lioneyes appeared to be talking in a hushed mew to Fallowstar, his eyes suspiciously darting around the clearing. Fallowstar nodded every few phrases, smiling when she saw Wolfkit. They're probably talking about me, The gray kit thought, padding towards them.

"Hello, dear," the small tabby leader greeted her, her amber eyes flashing.

"Hi," Wolfkit mewed nervously, swishing her tail through the cool breeze.

"Do you think you are ready to become an apprentice?" Fallowstar asked, her mew emotionless. Why is she asking such mouse-brained questions? Wolfkit thought, Of course I'm ready!

"Yes, of course I'm ready!" The kit mewed excitedly, thinking back to the time when Smokepaw was apprenticed. Heat rose beneath her pelt as she thought of his cold green eyes, the way he flaunted his shiny pelt. The way he looked up at Icestorm with pride and determination, as the whole clan stood still, only the wind speaking. The way all eyes fell upon him. What he had left her behind for...

"Wolfkit?" Fallowstar's concerned mew snapped her out of her trance. To her embarrassment, she realized she was shivering, and teetering on her paws. Quickly collecting herself, Wolfkit bashfully licked one paw,

"Oh, uh... Sorry!" The gray kit's wide green eyes flickered across Fallowstar's face, attempting to identify her expression. Was she ready to let her become an apprentice? Running into the forest had been a fault, but the gray kit thought that Fallowstar would be able to see past it. The tabby leader was only chuckling at Wolfkit's embarrassment, with a lighthearted glow,

"Well my dear, you seem to have gotten way to large for the nursery," Fallowstar's eyes renewed the youthful glimmer they normally possessed, and her expression gentled. "I think you are ready."

"Really?!" Wolfkit exclaimed, her eyes lighting up. Finally, she would be able to roam the forest as a warrior apprentice. Finally, she would be able to see the sights! Her eyes traveled to the small hollow elder fir log that housed the apprentices. It seemed to be calling her, a warm, mossy nest, just waiting for her to trample over.

Wolfkit gazed out over the Clan camp, and prepared for a new dawn in her life - apprenticeship.

•     •     •

A/N: Hey guys! So sorry for the lack of updates... I had midterms, essays, 3 feet of snow.... So yeah! Things were a  bit stressful! I just wanted to say thank you guys so much for over 1k on my first 6 chapters! I am so proud and overjoyed to know that you guys care about my book! Is it good? Be honest! Thanks for reading! Check back for updates soon! Who ships WolfXWhite... ~Zeph

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