Chapter 3 - Part II

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The EXO sighed and turned around, abandoning the map on the table.

"Yes, Eris? What can I do for your beautiful face today?" He said, crossing his arms and leaning back on the table.The Hall had been emptied, Zavala having a meeting with Lord Shaxx over plans on the Dreadnaught, and trying to contact the Awoken in the Reef.

Ikora was conversing with her little info spies as Cayde himself liked to word it.

There was no smile on her lips. Only a grim line.

"The Marked Guardian," She started, looking out into the mountains behind the tower. "what do you and the Vanguards plan on doing with her?"

Cayde's optics blinked. "What do you mean?"

Eris growled at him, and turned to him, vengeful.

"You know of what I speak, you did the same to me when I arrived from the Moon." He lips barely moved as they remembered.

A ghost of a whisper filtered through the room.


"Imprison a Guardian?-" He started incredulously, but Eris interrupted.

"I was a Guardian. A Hunter, like her. You cannot say that I was not. You cannot say loosely that you did not condone what you did."

He sighed, remembering the day she came back from the Moon. Kyrine was there to see it as well. People crowded around, Zavala disappearing to the lower levels with Eris. The Monstrous Guardian. He knew what she was referring too. She was kept imprisoned in the Lower levels underneath to Tower. Below the surface of the City. Way, way down below.

He could still hear her pained screams as Zavala interrogated her. Something he would never forgive himself for.

"She won't be taken and imprisoned. She is a pupil of mine, and as long as that stands then she will be safe from Zavala and Ikora's experiments." He walked with her.

There was tense silence and Eris's aura turned more icy.

She stopped. Her shoulders rose. "Was I not your pupil as well, Cayde-6?" She said snarling at him.

He took a step forward, putting his gloved hand on her shoulder. "You will always be my pupil, Eris."

She shuddered. No one touches her. No one has, since before the incident. Never intimately, not since. Not since..not since she allowed it. She took his hand in her own, and through her ranged powers she could sense the nerves under the clothes, and the plates of his design.

"I know." She spoke softly, her voice still grim. Could he feel lust, she wondered. What lies beneath his armor and the plates of design.

What undiscovered emotions did he have?

Eris looked at him. Closely, his blue plates and his glowing pale blue optics.

What does he feel for?

"Promise me, Cayde, that you will not let her be taken away for experiments." He was still looking at they're touching hands. Why did she have to touch him?

Darkness touched him. He yelled internally at himself, she is Light!

This is Eris. Eris, Eris, Eris.

He remembered her before Crota. Her short, soft black hair and her soft green eyes. When she wasn't so grim about everything. Or at least. Not grim about that much.

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