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Awakening to the sound of a repeating tweet, I roll over in the bed and snatched my phone from the nightstand.

"Come over to my house...please?" Austin begs over the phone.

"No I'm tired." I snap, letting my face deepen into the pillow.

"We can play FIFA!" I could hint the desperation in my voice.

"No." I mumble.

"I have food," he says luring me right into the trap.

"Fine, I'll be over whenever I can get out of this bed." rolling my eyes and hanging up, I sit up from the suddenly non comfortable bed.

I crawl to my closet, searching through the clothes. Through random choice, I pick a sea foam crop top, brown ankle boots, lace socks, and a light pink skirt. Brushing my hair, I lightly apply makeup, only wearing foundation, light mascara, lip-gloss, and eyeliner. Grabbing my laptop and house keys, I walk down the steps. The iPhone gets shoved in the space of my skirt and underwear as I walk out the house, locking the door behind me.

The damp gravel kicked up underneath my shoes, making it harder to walk in the heels. Although, we all know what they say 'beauty is pain'. My eyes fix on the sight of a familiar car parked on the wet road in front of Austin's house. Shaking it off, the heels continue to click against the ground as I step up onto the porch. The iPhone stabbed into my butt my knuckles light knocked on the door.

My brown hair tickled my arms as I peeked into the window to see two heads playing FIFA on the TV. Both I could easily make out to the sight of Austin and Niall. Didn't they just meet, they seem like great friends already? Austin nudges Niall, urging him to either get the door or miss the shot. Guessing, it was to miss the shot since neither got up from the couch.

Knocking one more time, I look out the window once more. Austin pauses the game, resting the controller on the coffee table that held their feet up as well as their food. Various junk food was spread across that table, some things that I promised to never eat was there too. My body stands straight as Austin sits up from the couch slowly, stumbling over to the door as if he was drunk. The locks click open and the door swings back, Austin's body leaned against the frame.

"You actually came!" Austin exclaims, quickly embracing my tiny body in a hug.

"Course I did." my nose sniffs his body that always smelled like Hollister.

With heels, my height was close to his, he has always been too tall for me and I loved it. Whenever I went to kiss him, either I had to stand on my tiptoes or he had to bend down. Bending down was mildly uncomfortable for him so it left me to standing the tallest I possibly could, or wear heels.

He lips softly kissed mine briefly. Pulling away, the brown/blonde Niall Horan stood in the back as if a wallflower pushed into the center of the crowd. His expression was jealous at least I thought it was. For a second it was one thing the next it was a smile as soon as his eyes latched contact with mine. My hand reaches behind my ear, tucking an escaped piece of hair back to its place. Austin clears his throat, looking between Niall and I.

"Wanna play some FIFA with us?" Niall offers kindly.

"I only have two remotes though." Austin points out.

"I could stop playing, it's alright." Niall was obviously bothered by something, maybe even someone.

They bicker over who was going to hand over the remote to myself when in all honestly, I couldn't care less if I played. Austin wanted to give it up to be the better boyfriend and Niall was just being flat out generous. Rocking back and fourth, my mind tells me to wait to see who would win. Clicking the heels against each other, I stand impatiently.

loving you//niall horanWhere stories live. Discover now