Meet Cry

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Today's love quote is......

"Trust your heart if the seas catch fire, live by love through the stars walk backwards"
~EE Cummings


My alarm clock went off with a very loud beeping sound and I gently hit the off button and got out of bed

I went to the bathroom and jumped into the shower and washed my oak hair with a strawberry scented shampoo

Don't judge alright I just like strawberry scents

I then shaved all of my body and turned off the shower, I do love having my morning showers before work, mostly because I love work so much, it's my happy place

I then jumped out of the shower and went towards my bedroom with my towel wrapped around my waist and walked into my room and locked the door once I was in

I dropped my towel and started drying my body whilst listening to the song Death Of A Batchler by panic at the disco which are my favourite band, Brendon urie is just such a huge inspiration

Anyway after I dried by body I changed into my clothes which was a grey shirt that exposed my neck tattooes and also but on black skinny jeans and by black chunky boots that sounded really loud when I took a step

After I was changed I went over to the mirror to style my hair and I did it in my everyday style, it was in between being stuck up and slick back so it was sort of in the middle

I then went over and out in all my piercings and applied my guy liner, now you may expect from my style I am a typical bad boy who doesn't play by the rules and rides around on y motorcycle causing trouble

Well actually your completely wrong, I have been described as a ray of sunshine, I am most of the time happy and I love making people smile and laugh, I just like this style of clothing so it really does make sense when saying, don't judge a book by its cover.

I always welcome people with open arms and I just love people, I finished putting in all my face piercings and all my ear piercings in

I heard a knock on my door and Russ and Scott walked in, "sup guys how you guys doing?" I asked as they came into my kitchen and sat down

"We are doing great dude, how are you?" They asked me with smiles on there faces, they always knew how to make me smile

"I'm doing awesome, it's a good day today his I can just sense it" I said whilst fixing my hair in the mirror again and tying the laces on my boots

"You always say that Cry, you are such a happy man it brings smiles to everyone's faces" they said whilst making me and them some breakfast because I can't cook for shit, I really can't

I look at my watch and realised I have about 20 minutes to eat and get to the parlour which is about a 15 minute drive on my motorcycle so I sat down quickly and downed my toast and eggs and grabbed my helmet and ran out the door leave Scott and Russ there

I jumped on my motorcycle which is a Zero engineering T5 Blackie, that I adored, I have around 5 motorbikes and 3 vintage cars, I love them they are my babies

I zoomed my way down the streets of Florida and finally I made to my tattoo place, called Crys Tattoos, I know it's not a creative name but who cares

I parked my motorcycle beside the parlour and unlocked the doors and turned on the lights, it was a very vintage place with vintage music playing in the background, I loved every second of it

It was my happy place and I can't wait for my customers to arrive, you get a lot of different customers, you get the screamers, you get the moaners, you get the talkers, you get the complainers, you get the silent ones, you get the funny ones and the weirdest of all, you get the people who like the feeling of getting a tattoo

I have been tattooing for about 4 years now and I'm pretty good at it, I have A level art which I got an A* so I'm pretty proud of that, I always wanted to be a tattoo artists and now I am living the dream

Collecting vintage cars and motorbikes, having my body as a journal, owning a tattoo parlour, and having lots of friends, all I need now is a boyfriend

The thought of someone loving me made me laugh, I'm not a lovable person, I'm covered in tattoos and piercings, nobody likes that but I do and I want a guy to except me for me

Lots of girls come up to me because they hear I'm a tattoo artists and I have the typical bad boy look, and when they get to know I'm actually a really nice guy and hate being known as a bad guy they leave me so fast, nobody likes a fake dresser but it's my choice not there's

I went and plugged in and the different ink guns and lined up all the different inks, I then went over and fixed the cushions on the sofas where we sit with are patients and work out a design they like and want to have done

I heard a ring as the door opened and in walked my other two friends I work with, one of them are called Sketch and another called Kate, they are pretty good at the tattoos as well but I run things

We hung out for a while rocking to some panic at the disco songs and waiting for are first customers come so we could get started

there we go guys, if you haven't already guessed then that is Cry in the picture, I really hope you gust get what Cry is like now and don't worry you will hear more about Kate and Sketch further into the story
In the next chapter I'm pretty sure Pewdie will get the tattoo done and that's when he meets Cry
Hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you next time, and remember to vote, comment and tell your friends about this book

My Tattoo Artist (Pewdiecry Fanfic) (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now