A Drunk Bet

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Today's love quote is........

"love is the whole and more than all"
~ EE Cummings

Before we start let me tell you some stuff about me, my name is Felix or Pewdie, I am from Sweden, I have blonde hair and blue eyes, I'm rather short and I work in a small little cafe, anyway on with the story

It was a typical guys night out, Me, Ken, Stephano, Charles and Pete all hanging out at a bar having a few shots, and well just being typical guys

"Dude me and Mary recently ended things" Ken said with sorrow in his drunken eyes, I felt pity on him because I know he was really serious about Mary so he must have been crushed

"I'm so sorry dude, it's her loss anyway, you will find someone soon never worry" I patted his back comforting him in anyway he needed it

"Oh lads this is going to be a fun night with lots of crack" Jack said in his Irish accent and we all looked at him with weird looks
"Oh sorry I forgot, I mean crack as in banter and having a laugh, not the drug" Jack said and we all laughed because of what we all thought about

I was on........maybe my 3 shot, possibly 4th and now I just wanted a beer and go home to bed, I was tipsy but not entirely drunk yet

I knew I couldn't drive so I would call an über later on in the night so I could get home safely, Pete and Charles has arrived about 10 minutes ago and they where having a great time, they are a couple...........a couple of weirdos

But no seriously they have been together for about a year now and that's pretty cool since it was me and Stephano who set them up

"Hey Pewdie, you blanked out on us there for a while, you alright buddy?" Asked Pete with concern in his voice, I smiled and nobbed so he knew everything was alright with me

"Hey lads there are some fine looking girls over there on the dance floor, shall we go over?" Asked Jack and everyone except me, Pete and Charles went over, because well I'm gay so I'm not interested in them, and also Pete and Charles are dating so there is no need for them over there

"So how has life been with you lately Pewdie?" Asked Charles who had his arm wrapped around Petes waist, "ya know I'm a bit lonely I guess, after Chris left I have been pretty depressed"

Chris was my boyfriend, he was my rock and he was my life, but I guess he just got bored and he just packed his bags and left, I loved him more than anything else in this whole world but I guess he didn't love me

"It's his loss Pewdie, your a great guy and I'm sure you will find yourself a great guy soon enough" Pete said coming over to me and embracing me in a comforting hug

A few tears have shed from my eyes but I wipe them away and keep my head held high, it has only been 3 weeks since he left so I'm still getting over the pain in my heart

I decided instead of that beer I wanted that I would go for a vodka Coke instead, I ordered it and the bartender looked at me and asked for my ID

I showed him my drivers license and he handed me the drink, my friends looked at me with sorrow in there eyes but they knew that it would be better just to let me drink to forget my problems

Ken, Jack and Stephano came back and they had lipstick stains all over there cheeks and it was rather hilarious because they looked like they loved it

"Who came raining down the kisses on you fellas?" I asked them and me, Charles and Pete laughed while the other 3 guys looked embarrassed

"Just some drunk chicks seemed to have a thing for us foreign guys" said Stephano who rarely spoke and we all laughed,

"Hey guys I was thinking, let's do a little bet" said Jack rubbing his hands together in a scary way. "What type of bet?" I asked pretty much drunk at this point and just wanting to sleep

"Well we set out 5 shots each, last one to down them all has to do the forfeit that the winners come up with" we all nobbed because we wanted some fun tonight, and also because we are drunken idiots

We set out 5 shots each and placed them along the bar and by now the whole crowd was over watching us

The bartender was giving us a countdown and everyone chanted along


We all started drinking the shots and the sweat was pouring down my forehead like a waterfall and we heard the slamming of the glasses being slammed against the table after we finished one shot

I was now on my 3rd shot and Jack was already finished because those Irish love there alcohol, I was now on my 4th and it was only me and Ken left and Ken finished about 4 seconds before me

I had lost

I was quite nervous to hear what my forfeit was and the guys where still thinking, and as they where thinking I saw a leaflet on the counter about a tattoo parlour about 15 minutes away and that's when I felt presents behind me

"That's a great idea Pewdie, your forfeit is you have to get a tattoo"
I was shocked but everyone agreed with Kens idea and they all smirked at me and I shook my head

"What do I have to get done" I asked and they all looked around and then did a cheesy group huddle like rugby players do

"Anything you wish"

First chapter is complete and I really hope you enjoy this book because I'm so excited to start writing it and get cry into this book, his POV will be next time so you can get to know more about this mysterious tattoo artist
I love you all very much and I'll see you next time

My Tattoo Artist (Pewdiecry Fanfic) (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now