Chapter 9: Explinations

Start from the beginning

"Soon, very soon, all hell will break loose. It will become a fight amongst the higher magics for control of this planet. We humans will be stuck in the middle, fighting not only for our rightful world, but also, alas, our lives."

Joseph looked at the man, not sure whether or not to believe him. "This all sounds so... fake. And anyway, what does this all have to do with me? Why don't you all make another karzayk-thingy?"

The Supervisor sighed. "If it only were that easy. The last creator of the karzayk, though, is dead. The secret if it's creation has been lost to time."

Joseph eyed the man skeptically. "Okay... well you didn't answer my other question..."

"You, Joseph, play a key role in the events of the near future. You see, you appear to have, ah, caught the eye, so to speak, of the supreme we are holding here. The 'alien'. And because of that, he has marked you."

Joseph colored a bit at the memory. "That tattoo thing...?"


"S-so what do you mean by m-marked?"

"I mean he has put his seal on you. He has marked physically and magically you as his, and his only. It is a warning to other magicks, of sorts, that he owns you."

Joseph started, "Wait WHAT? Che cazzo! You've got to be shitting me... Th-that's not possible, right? He can't like... own me... right? That's like not legal to er own people..."

"Maybe not in our human culture, but in the culture of the gods," The Supervisor tilted his head to the side, "It is acceptable. Especially when a higher being marks a lower one. It is almost expected."

"That's insulting... a lower being! I'm not that weak."

"No, but you are human."

Joseph swallowed. If what this guy was saying was true... then Joseph was royally screwed. No pun intended. "So, er, what do you mean by, uh, 'own'?"

The Supervisor looked very seriously at Joseph. "It could mean anything. But considering the actions that proceeded you being marked," Joseph blushed, "we can predict with a decent amount of accuracy what that might mean. Let's hope you never find out, though."

Joseph nodded, adverting his eyes. "Well then what am I suppose to do about this... supreme...?"

The Supervisor once again smiled, though it didn't reach his eyes. "We had originally thought that keeping you in Maximum Security would protect you, but as it turns out, it would be much too easy for the supreme to track you. So, instead, I have arranged for one of my, ah, trusted operatives to take you into the city."


"Because a metropolitan setting is much harder to track a single scent in compared to a closed off facility."

Joseph nodded his understanding. He surprised himself with how well he was taking this all. Nothing was too shocking. This all seemed to be unreal, like a numbed reality. Maybe it was the drugs still lingering in his system...

The Supervisor stood up. "Now, without further ado, I would like to introduce you to your protector, Aziz."

* * *

Joseph watched as the man walked into the room. He had dark brown hair, short but not in the sense of a buzz cut. His eyes were a deep auburn, boarder-line blood red, with flecks of, oddly enough, blue. He was lean but still built, easily putting Joseph's own wiry body to shame.

The Supervisor smiled, saying, "Joseph, Aziz; Aziz, Joseph. I trust that you will both get along well."

Aziz looked irked, but nonetheless nodded.

"Aziz here is an afrit. He'll be taking you to Phoenix, where you should be relatively safe for the events soon to come. You, Joseph are his charge, he is responsible for your safety."

Joseph nodded numbly while Aziz continued to scowl.

"Alright!" The Supervisor said, "Well if everything is in order, then you shall be getting a move on, yes?" Nods. "Good!" And with that, everyone was ushered out of the room.

* * *

So what did ya think of the music for this chapter? :D I was just like this is good talking music o-o

Okay so this chapter was really just a filler chapter :P I mean my god, The Supervisor must really love the sound of his voice, for christsake STFU! Yeah but sadly he needed to be heard, because this chapter kinda outlines the whole world or whatever that this book is a part of... heh...

I swear, though, Aziz and Joseph, ON THE ROAD TOGETHER, this is gunna be good *rubs hands together*. I'm still not really sure how the relationship between Aziz and Joseph should be, though.... Heh heh =_= Maybe playful. I'll have to think on that... *evil grin*.

WELL I LOVE YOU ALL FOR READING THIS STORY! I honestly didn't think anyone would care, but now it's like ohmygod I'm actually getting reads like wtf is this amazing miracle happening?! o_o YOU GUYS ARE SO AWESOME YOU DESERVE CAKE! no wait COOKIE CAKE OHMYGODYES! O-O

LE DICTIONARY!! (There was only one sentence this time lol sorry)

che cazzo= What the fuck?

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