1.When it started

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This is the story of how my life has changed. my name is Ninnika and well that is my real name. You see if I hadn't meet my old highschool bestfriend,Alex. I wouldn't had to change my name so many times. I only did it for I wouldn't go to prison. Ha, saying that reminds me of something he told me... He had once told me "trust me if you went to jail you wouldn't last, your to beautiful." It's funny how one person can actually change your whole life.

It all started when I was in the 4th grade, my dad had left me and my mom and since then my mom started to drink... A lot. Me, I didn't react to it as she did, as soon as it happened she cried and cursed, me on the other hand I cried for a little bit and carried on. After a couple of years and was in 7th grade My mom had started doing drugs and soon later lost her job. She then meet a guy who was a drug dealer and she promised to pay him later on when she had the money. She never did so the guy came over one night thinking if he scared her she would pay him what she owed. He even told me he just wanted her clean up and for her to get a job so everything could be fine. I remember that night it was the day I learned that I could have someone care for me. I was 12 years old and he was planning to just teach her a little lesson, scare her.

"I need my money Angela I can't wait no more" Philip screamed

"I don't have the money Philip you know that, I'll just pay you back when I get money so far all I have is a dollar" my mom says with a squeak like she was about to cry

"No I'm not waiting anymore pay me now or no more drugs"

" I'll pay you back later this week"

"That's what you have been saying this past 2 weeks" Philip says with anger in his voice

I remember being a wake scared of what was going to happen. Scary looking guy, but very caring. He and my mom argued for about 30 minutes for his money and how that she deserved what she got. After that he came in my room closing the door and locking the door for my mom wouldn't get in, at that moment I was scared for my life thinking that he was going to do something to me and probably kill me. As I looked over at him he turned on the light and covered his eyes, the look on my face of relief and shock.

"Are you decent kid"


"Okay,don't worry I'm not going to hurt you or anything worse then that"

"Then why are you in my room" I asked with a bit of worry

"Just to help your mom and myself, it's just to scare her you don't have to worry kid"

"My name is ninnika"

After that conversation we listen to the door. The first 5 min my mom pounded on the door, the next 13 well we don't know. Philip had went outside to check on my mom, he ended up asking if there were anywhere my mom would hide. I had no idea where she was and if I should've been worried. After stressing out for hours Philip found my mom, he found her in the back yard shed with cocain near her body. She over did it and technically killed herself. God, what people can do to them selves....

"I'm so sorry kid I didn't know that she would do this if I was to scare her like that..."

"It's alright she was already doing it so I seen it coming" I had told him while tears rolled down my face.

"I have an idea" he said while looking at me

"Spit it out"

"You come live with me and you won't be a orphan and have a better childhood and better life then this"

"No funny business and nothing will happen to me?"

"Not on my watch kid"

"Okay I will"

He took me in and provided me with everything I needed. He called the cops and made me pack my bags. So I did, the cops came and took my mom and that was the last time I would ever see her.

When I finished packing I put my suitcase on the bed I sat next to it and started crying. Philip came in and sat next to me and held me while trying to tell me everything is going to be okay.

So this is my first time writing a story and don't Know if it's any good.... I been writing this with the help of a friend and I'm trying my best to see how I can put it down in here and to make it interesting, hope you enjoy!

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