August 21st, 2:34:19 PM

Start from the beginning

"Yes." Cas announced a little too loudly, making Dean jump because there had been an incredibly lengthy silence. He blinked quickly, not wanting to be in the dark more than he had to-it was stupid, he knew- and continued, "I want to press charges." Kate smiled at him softly, nodding and writing something down on her computer.

He heard a soft sigh come from his parents and Dean in the room, and Kate offered him a Kit-Kat from the jar on her desk. It was kind of weird, but who was he to judge, so he shook his head no and she put it back in the jar, folding her hands together.

"So," she started, and Cas heard a sliver of excitement in her voice. After all, she wasn't that much older than Dean, probably, still young. Maybe 25, 26. Her olive skin glowed in the light, her black eyes widened, and she suddenly smiled widely.It was a huge contrast to everyone else in the room, that was for sure. "Let's go catch us a rapist."

Dean winced. Cas was really going to have to do something about him learning to trust Kate if they were going to do this, and he saw his parents in the reflection of the window grimace. They only thing that Cas could think that if he hadn't been so stupid and gotten himself raped, none of this would happen and his loved ones wouldn't be so unhappy. But of course, he did. He always screwed something up.

August 20th, 3:06:18 PM

Cas huffed loudly, slamming the door open to the Winchester house, startling Sam, who was sitting in the dining room table over a pile of books. The youngest Winchester blinked, jumping, and stood up too quickly, knocking two chairs over.

"Hey, guys," he stuttered out, raising his hand to wave but decided against it and ended up scratching at his head awkwardly. "I, um, heard about...Dean called me and...uh..."He gave up, and resorted to looking down at his feet. Cas nor Dean didn't even do so much to bat an eye at him, continuing their arguing.

"Ok, yeah, but, we all know that the whole, psychological counseling, or whatever that that Kate suggested, is complete bullcrap, and that just serves my point." Dean argued as he walked into the door after Cas, banging the door shut, "I mean, come on Cas! We should just go do this ourselves. It's obvious that this Indian chick isn't gonna do shit. I mean, look at her!"

"Don't be rude, Dean!" Cas snapped back, crossing his arms tightly and turning around to glare at his boyfriend, "Just because she's a woman and of a different race doesn't mean that you should underestimate her."

"That's not the point, damnit, and you know it."

Out of the corner of his eye, Cas saw Sam blink a couple of times, and set the chairs around him straight, sinking down in one. He had obviously decided that this was something that he didn't want to get involved in. Smart boy.

Dean's voice snapped him back. "We can, we find her, probably ten times faster than the cops or Kate ever could."

"Dean, really? They're trained professionals."

And we really need to find her as soon as possible because..." he hesitated.

Cas crossed his arms even tighter against his chest. "Because what?" he asked fiercely, daring Dean to say it.

To fix me.

That's what he's going to say, isn't it? To fix me. Because I'm a pathetic, broken, child.

I'm disgusting.

Dean's clenched his jaw, and dropped his gaze, turning around to stare at some random spot on the wall and completely avoid Cas's gaze. When he spoke, it was much softer, lighter, sadder. "Because they'll just throw her in some jail, lie about what she did to the inmates so they don't bear her up, and that'll be it. She deserves to be...punished more than just that."

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