Chapter 24

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"Daddy dearest has taken an about turn and has gone back home the minute he knew his son was out of our clutch," informed Sagar. He entered Vedant's room and slumped into a chair uninvited and looked for some heated reaction from his boss. Pragat wasn't walking into the trap they had laid for him. They assumed he would come to them and blast for hauling his son to their station. They should have probably waited for Pragat to get entrapped before releasing Akhilesh.

"What else?" asked Vedant almost acting deaf towards the news brought in by Sagar. He was sitting leaned back on his chair pondering at the ceiling doing nothing, perhaps thinking. Sagar wasn't pleased.

"Please tell me you heard what I said and you are planning some heroic moves. Else I am not impressed by your attitude," said Sagar openly. In a way Vikram and Sagar would be balanced equally if weighed in terms of approach. They were bold and straight forward with their views. Only difference was Sagar was more level headed and not as short tempered as Vikram.

"Get out!" said Vedant casually not wasting a second to look at Sagar. He knew Sagar was trying to get him pressurized and make dramatic moves for his own entertainment.

To a certain extent, Sagar enjoyed annoying his boss. He left Vedant's room and took his seat in the squad room. It was lunch break and Vedant had ordered everyone to take an actual break from the case and rest their fatigued mind for some time. Sagar switched off Agastya's monitor much to his irritation.

"Boss' order," he said receiving an angry glare from Agastya. Agastya hated whenever anyone touched his machines and gadgets. He was the only one who had the authority to even brush the tiniest bit of his equipments. He switched it on the next moment without a word of dissent. Sagar didn't require a word to understand the unuttered message.

Ruby was munching her sandwich and reading a book simultaneously. Sagar planned his attack on his next prey. He was rotating in his rolling chair with a wicked smile running his plan on his mind. His devious imagination was disturbed with the fuming entry of Heera who didn't look happy a single bit.

"What happened?" asked Ruby as Heera sat ragingly, dropping her belongings on her workspace.

"Got a call from school," said Heera, her tone bathed in exasperation. "She had complains against my boy."

"Which one?" asked Sagar, a little too quickly.

"Elder one. Apparently, he hasn't been scoring well in his exams- makes loads of spelling mistakes, can't read properly, beats his friends, and the list goes on..."

"Oh!" remarked Ruby. "Hmm...Is he having any problem with his...."

"I know he is dyslexic," said Heera as a matter of fact. "I have watched Taare Zameen Par and I completely understand his problems. But the important issue is- all teachers aren't Aamir Khan, are they? Instead of finding a way to solve my boy's problem, she sits there lecturing me for one hour."

"I understand Heera. I can't be easy for you," said Ruby doubtfully. She didn't want to push further.

"These teachers nowadays! All they want is top scores from students. They don't care for the students who need their help. All their focus is on the students who actually don't need their help. They are good on their own. All schools want now is to show off their good students and chuck the weak students outside their campus. You know how many times Nikhil missed his classes because he was sent outside the class as punishment? And then they expect him to score high marks. Nonsense!"

"Where is he now? Nikhil?" asked Sagar, this time with seriousness. He had met Heera's boys and he was greatly fond of them.

"Home. With his grandmother. He didn't speak a word on our way back home," replied Heera.

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