Chapter 18

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Vedant, Ruby and Sheetal were audience to the monitors outside the interrogation room whereas Vikram was questioning Samar inside in the presence of his lawyers.

"Now that your lawyers are giving you company, are you ready to answer my questions?" asked Vikram, his voice at the edge of turning dangerous. He had interrogated many suspects in his career and knew exactly how each one had to be dealt with. Samar had his chance. Along with Ruby, he was ready to listen and understand Samar's state, his difficulties if any. They were empathetic towards him. They believed he wasn't the killer and was ready to help him. But if he didn't want to cooperate and if he wanted to stick to his own false story, he couldn't help him anymore.

"You said you were home alone at the time of Veerkaran's murder and then you said you killed him. Care to explain how?"

Samar looked at the lawyers who nodded for him to answer the question. He was confused. He knew he was trapped by his own words. He could sense his lie was blown. He had no clue what the officers knew.

"Why does it matter? I am telling you...I killed Veerkaran...," Samar tried desperately to convince his interrogator. At the same time, he couldn't sound pleading. He had to display himself to be strong. He sat erect. Shoulders and chin high, he didn't turn his glance away from Vikram.

Vikram lost his cool. "IT MATTERS SAMAR!" he shouted banging his hand on the table and sprang up from his chair, throwing it behind. He started pacing up and down.

Vedant frowned. Vikram had the habit of jumping the gun and becoming all hyper, a way too soon. He had never liked that behaviour. He believed in taking time, understanding the suspect and talking to them. At some point, the suspect were bound to leave away some words unintentionally. Vikram's method either intimidated the suspect or made him/her more arrogant not to answer. "Vikram! Calm down," he said on the mic which reached Vikram's earpiece.

Vikram took a deep breath before settling down again. "Listen Samar! You can keep quiet and not help us. I might even arrest you for murder based on your confession. Ask your lawyers, what they will do? No no...first, tell me. Why did you actually want your lawyers? To help you stay in prison or to prove you innocent?"

"I murdered Veerkaran and I will be jailed for that...It's as simple as that," said Samar still sticking to his point.

"No it's not!" reproached Vikram with force. "What do you think? You will go to prison because of your confession? You are a fool if you think that. There is no proof against you except your word and the court demands evidence. You will be acquitted immediately and whatever you are scared of...because of which you are confessing...It will be a complete waste. Better let us help you Samar."

Samar remained silent, not out of arrogance but out of helplessness. He didn't know which way to go. He had no idea how his words would receive reaction outside. Was confession expected of him or not? His name had cropped up and his DNA had been found at the murder scene which could only mean, he had to confess. It had to be a sign. The same thing happened during the previous time too, when he confessed of rape and murder. His confession saved his family. May be his family was in danger? He didn't sense that when he met them during his parole. They were safe then. What if they weren't now? Will the police keep their word and protect his family? What if they didn't? His family meant the most to him. He couldn't risk their lives.

"Could you please leave us with Samar alone for some time?" asked one of the lawyers. "I think it is better we know his version before he tells you anything."

"Doesn't seem like he is going to be generous with the truth to anyone. Good luck!" commented Vikram as he walked out of the room. The lawyers had all rights to talk with their client alone. He couldn't refuse permission for that.

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