Chapter 5

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Ruby placed the receiver of the phone excitedly and turned to Heera sitting behind her cubicle. "Got the address of Yamini from the telephone company!"

"Good! Check if this Yamini has any criminal records in our database. Just in case," said Heera.

On the other side of the room, Charith and Vikram were going through the CCTV footages. "This is crazy. There is not a single camera which gives a clear view of the road," complained Vikram irritated.

"That's because the companies have kept CCTVs for their security and not for the roads," laughed Charith, immediately turning serious realising it was Vikram and not Sagar.

"That's true!" replied Vikram without taking his eyes off the monitor. Charith felt relieved at the non-reaction. One thing he was really horrified about was Vikram's temper. He had been on the receiving end once and it wasn't a pleasant experience. He looked at Vikram keenly trying to search for any anger on his face. Failing to trace, he decided to have a casual conversation.

"Ready with the gift?" Charith asked hesitantly. Vikram turned slowly with eyes wide open, startled. He hit his head, and sat holding the same, crushed. "I forgot completely!" He looked at his watch. 4 pm.

"You still have time!" said Charith encouragingly. "Have you decided what you are getting for your wife?"

"If I know that why would I be sitting here blank," snapped Vikram. Helpless and guilt took toll over his emotions. "I have no idea what to get her, Charith. You have any idea?" His voice immediately turned to desperation.

"Me!!" asked Charith surprised. "No...I mean...You should get her what she likes." Charith gave a shy smile.

"You are too innocent, Charith," Vikram shook his head patting Charith's back.

Unhappy with the comment, Charith began suggesting gifts with Vikram disapproving each one. "Watch? Perfume? Jewellery? Photo frame? Flowers? Book? Pen?"

"I am going to spoil the evening for sure. Shilpa would have got me a great gift and I am going to go empty handed," lamented Vikram.

"Make something for her on your own," said Charith with his focus back on the CCTV footages.

"What?" asked Vikram confused.

"Handmade what kids do. Drawing? Write a poem or something,"

"You aren't as innocent as I thought," said Vikram with a relieved grin. Charith was delighted. "It's a great idea Charith! However bad my work is, I am sure Shilpa would love it when she realises I took time for her and tried to do something special," Vikram was already lost in thoughts excited. "You continue watching the footages, I will be back." Vikram went back to his cubicle. Charith felt pleased with himself. He had impressed Vikram. Satisfied, he struck off the name of one company whose footages he had completed watching.

"Road trip?" asked Heera to Ruby when the latter said they didn't have any records on Yamini. "We can go home directly after meeting Yamini. Pack your things. I'll inform Sir." Heera went to Vedant's cabin which was always open. "Sir!" she called to get the attention of her boss who was reading some file very intently.

"Yeah!" Vedant said without taking his eyes off the file.

"Ruby and I are going to check Yamini's address. After that I thought, we will..."

"Go home, uhmm?" completed Vedant knowing exactly what his team member wanted.

"Yes!" replied Ruby, looking expectedly.

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