Chapter 12

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"I don't think this is news for you all," Grim-filled, Vedant addressed the press. "Mr. Veerkaran Singh was found dead at JP Link Road Junction, 2 days ago. Initially it was recorded as an accident – A Hit and Run but now, after diligent investigation, we have acquired evidence to believe that the cause of death wasn't actually accident but Mr. Singh was murdered- in this site. The accident was staged to throw us off the right direction."

The entire site was closed down on grounds of it being a murder scene. Yellow crime scene ribbon were out decorating the gate. The site was dotted with forensic officers who were strolling in the pool congregating evidence. The rain had stopped showering its heavy blessings and had resolved to an uncomplicated drizzle.

Vedant, still in his wet form, stood in front of the construction site gate, feeling very conscious about the numerous cameras aiming at the every movement of his every muscle on his face. But he was adept in hiding it proficiently. His concentration was completely directed at the every word he was uttering or was about to utter which he very well knew was going to make headlines.

"Suspects, Mr. Vashisht?" The inevitable question was shot.

"Not yet. We have a list of people who are of interest to us. But no one under complete the suspicion radar," said Vedant primly.

"How did Mr. Singh die?"

"We are just now collecting all the evidence. It will take us sometime to divulge the correct details. But I can say this much that he was hit in the head and beaten to death."

"What about the victim's connection with the Kiran rape case?"

Another inevitable question.

"We do know our victim's involvement with the rape case. We are definitely considering it. We are not forcing any connections. If there is one, we will find out." Vedant remained succinct.

"We heard Samar Lala is being taken back to the prison?"

Vikram had informed him that the parole officer had received orders from the prison officials to get Samar back to the prison where he would be questioned under their surveillance. They didn't trust outside protection understandably. But how did the media know? "One day I am going to employ the media for my sleuthing work," thought Vedant, the very thought pricking his head.

"Yes. We wanted to question him and the officials believed it would be better if it is done in the prison. After the interview, he would be free to continue his parole."

"What about forensics?"

"I haven't even reported that to my seniors, do you think I am going to share that with you all now?" jested Vedant, cleverly dodging the question. The reported chuckled.

"What is your next move?"

"You want the murderers to know my plan?" Vedant continued with the same attitude. He had given the media as much as he thought was needed. He just had to stall the rest of the questions with indirect answers or the safe "no comments".


The next day seemed no different to the previous one. The city had always seen heavy rains in that time of the year. The gloomy atmosphere and the chillness in the air gave a lousy feeling.

It was 8.30 am. The office of the special branch was in full attendance except for their boss. Covered in thick woollen clothes to fight the war against the cold rain, the workplace looked a normal one. The usual aroma of the coffee packed the air and the morning newspapers had made their way to every hand in the room. Jokes flew, sarcasm floated, every news article published on the case was analysed and peered at.

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