"You're the most frustrating human being ever." I growled in annoyance.

"Yo, we need to leave. If Jack is as wimpy as he seems, the police will be here soon." Ryder stated with a hard tone. I feel awful for making him upset with me. Ugh! Ever since I realized that I didn't absolutely hate them all I've become a total softy. I hate it.

"Do you guys have a car?" I asked them. Alec nodded and pointed out of the window. There was a black van which looked really spacious. It also looked like a pedophile van so it wasn't perfect but it will do.

"Okay. I have to piss so I'll be right back out." Danny muttered. He got up and went to the bathroom.

"He is not coming with us." Ryder commented. My eyebrows raised in surprise.

"What? He's done all of this to keep me safe and he's just going back home? If I am in as much danger as you say I am, I'm not leaving him to get hurt or to be used as leverage." I retorted. Alec sighed and nodded.

"Okay. Now that we have an understanding, I need you boys to get me some things from around the house." I looked at Jace. "If you will not go to the hospital. I need to stop the bleeding. Warning, it's going to hurt." I smiled.

"I have a bullet hole in my stomach, I think I can handle this." Jace chuckled.

"Okay boys, get me a needle, thread, find the alcohol so I can clean the wound, get me two towels and gauze. There should be a first aide kit in the kitchen with gauze in it." I commanded them and they left. Jace and I sat in silence as we waited for them.

Ten minutes later, the guys got all of the material I asked for. Danny was back to watching Netflix. Alec and Ryder were sitting on a couch by Jace and me.

"Okay, first you have to take off your shirt." I stated and opened the vodka bottle.

""If you wanted to see me shirtless, you didn't have to wait until I got shot." He smirked. I rolled my eyes because I was used to their petty, flirtatious personalities. I looked at the wound and oh my god. It was wrapped up and gauze but the stitches must have come loose because he was walking around so soon after he got them.

"As I suspected, your stitches are loose. We need to stop the blood loss." I commented and grabbed a towel.

"When did you become a nurse?" He questioned me.

"It doesn't take rocket science to figure this stuff out. I also played a lot of sports when I was younger so whenever I seriously hurt someone, my mother and I would go to the hospital with them because my mother felt bad." I explained and unwrapped the gauze from his stomach and he hissed in pain. "When you're at the hospital a lot, you learn a few things." I pressed the towel lightly on his wound.

"Damn." He growled out as he winced.

"If this hurts, you're going to hate the vodka." I laughed because he acted so tough before.

"Fantastic." He sarcastically smiled. I took the towel away and soaked it with the vodka. It's a shame that it had to go to waste. It looks expensive.

"Maybe Alec or Ryder should hold your hand." I commented. I was serious, this was going to hurt like a bitch.

"I'm not a girl giving birth, Alice. Just do it so we can get out of here." He barked at me. Whatever, I don't even feel bad anymore. He grabbed the bottle of vodka and started chugging it. He is going to be so drunk later. I placed the towel on his wound and his eyes went wide.

"Holy mother of fuck! Are you trying to kill me Alice?! Son of a bitch! Why not just light me on fire, eh?! Is no one going to stop her from trying to torture and kill me?!" Jace screamed out. I started to chuckle and he glared at me. "You think this is funny? You want to switch places, Princess?!"

"Fuck off, Jace. I'm just trying to help. Calm your tits." I stated and took the towel off of him and he let out a breath. "Alec, can I use your lighter?" I asked him.

"Oh no! I told you she was going to burn me alive! I'm not ready to die!" He yelled and I am not positive but I think that the vodka kicked in.

A/N: how was this chapter? Did you like it?

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