The Murder Scene

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*************Your POV***********

When slowing entering the ware house I saw Nagito looking down in shock at his own body which I was carrying, I guess it was a strange experiance to witness yourself motionless.

Suddenly he snapped out of it and quickly pulled me outside the warehouse with the bodies.

"Hey, Nagito... What on earth...." I exclaimed in a surprised tone.
Covering my mouth he softly whispered into my ear "We don't want Monocuma and them cameras to see the bodies you created, do we now"
I tried to show acknowlagement of his comment by making a little sound but soon realised he was covering both my mouth and nose, choking I scrabbled away from his loose grip.
"Ohh F/n, I am soo sorry. It's all my fault" he said while patting me on the back, spluttering I tried to say "so where do I go, and what about the bodies?" not completely sure if he understood me/how or if he had predicted what I was about to say he replied with "leave the bodies here, and rests your arms. I'll take you to the boxes"
Leading me to the boxes out of camera's view he sat me down and sighed with a troubled look on his face.
"Nagito?" I said hesitantly as I gazed into his endless eyes, not really aware of my surrounding.
"Yes f/n?" He said while gliding his hand through my soft hair,
Lost for words I answered "Ohh... Errmm....." Blushing from the slight touch of his hand on my cheek he instantly retracted his hand blushing repeating over and over again, "Oh god I'm so, ssooo sorry, I messed you hair up" .

Feeling a strand of my H/C lock fall over my face, I saw Nagito's delicate hand reach over to me once again to remove it, but still my only reply was "huh...." I was still in a trance from his eyes. But he broke that by suddenly blurted out "Ohh not again , I messed up F/n-chan's beautiful hairstyle again, it's all my fault I'm just worthle....." Before he could finish his sentance I put my finger over his lips and gently smile.

Lost for words he sank to the floor beside me and looked up hopelessly, his legs were STILL bleeding and was currently surrounded by a small pool of blood.
"Please don't worry Nagito because I actually like..." Cutting off midword, I realised what I was saying and I darted my eyes away and concealed my blush, then mumoring that we should really set up the plan now.
Nodding Nagito shot up and when to get the bodies with out the camera seeing them. Once he managed to bring them over I filmed him recording his video tape for the others which he once again meantioned something about the traitor, I tried to asked him serveral times about the traitor but he eventually told me that he would tell me in this life or another, or whatever that mean't anyway.

Multiple times I tried to ask him what was wrong as his eyes still had a worried look in them, but answering me with indirected answers gave me no hint at all.
Soon the time arrived when we had to commit this murder, odviously I was making sure even was going according to my condition which it was, so far.
We set the bodies of us in place, cutting them before we moved them so camera beleived it was us. Finally we attached the spear to Nagito's body's hand, and although the poison would not beable to kill and release the spear, the water from the sprinklers would beable to make the rope slip and resulting in the spear falling down impaling Nagito, so the poison was just an extra at this point to confuse the other in the Class trial, The spear falling caused the next part of the plan involing me who's body was positioned next to his.

Once the spear fell it would cut through a rope which was under Nagito's body, releasing it from the weight which kept me in place over by the fire curtain and let the rope tighten up, pulling me over the top banister making it look like a hanging.

Smiling to myself I got ready to watch the plan go down in action when suddenly: Nagito apolloised as he splashed water over me and whacked me in the head with a large object.
Slowing I started to fall over into his arms, feeling the darkness surround me in I tried to shout for him, as the only thing right then that I cared about was how he needed to keep his promise, just that one tiny stupid condition, that he NEEDED to stay alive and not die.This was my condition.
My hearing being the last to go I hear him say sorry before I hear footsteps walking away.....


Does this make sense to you, are you enjoying it? Can't wait to write the next story sooooo much more excitment to come.

Hope you are , if you have any question please message me :3

Ohh and the picture for this week is actually my phone's wallpaper image :p I love it Soo much, (Soo cute)

Lunanime xx

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