Zimmerman Case

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This week on Freaks and Things I'm talking about the biggest case in the USA. That's right I'm talking about the George Zimmerman case. If you don't know what  I'm talking about these are the important details. Trayvon Martin was a 17 year old African American (people say that skin color/race played a part in the verdict) teenager. George Zimmerman was a neighborhood watch volunteer, Hispanic. Martin was walking to his father's fiancee's house at night from a conenience store, he had Skittles and a drink with him and it was raining (don't really know why that's  (weather) important). Zimmerman saw him and called the cops, the police told him not to follow him Zimmerman said he just wanted to give them a correct/accurate adress. Somehow they got into a fight and Zimmerman shot Martin. Zimmerman claims self defense saying that Martin would have beat him up.

So they found Zimmerman innocent. What happened next people took to the streets and started to protest the verdict/riot. People accuse Zimmerman of racism and also the jury.

My opinion:

He should have been found guilty. Martin wasn't doing anything that was illegal, he (Martin) just went to go get Skittles and a drink. Is racism part of this, I think that Zimmerman saw a African American teenager and thought of something sterotypical like he had just robbed a house. Zimmerman should have just waited for the cops he had called and let them handle everything. Zimmerman never should have gotten involved in this. 

Your opinon: (comment your opinion)

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