Chapter 8

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Alexei POV

I ran because I was coward.

One touch of her skin and I knew it was simply too much. I felt the urge, the need, to run my hands along every inch of her pearly skin. She suddenly seemed too precious, too fragile, and the only thing I wanted to do was protect her from everything and everyone. My feelings were absurd; I didn't even know her all that well and already I was obsessed. I had spoken to her once, and already craved her sweet tinkle of a voice.

She was serious and reserved but with a warmth that blossomed from the inside out. I knew she could be happy and carefree but she held back; afraid of what others would think of her. All I wanted to do was make her smile; make her infinitely happy. The thought was insane because I had only just met her this very morning.

So even though my brothers warned me not to go after, I had followed her when I saw her aimlessly wandering the halls. I watched as she admired the sun and smiled that beautiful smile of hers. And then I was in her presence, glorying in it, and happily making her nervous at every turn. It was both empowering and painful to watch. I wanted her to trust me, to be comfortable around me but at the same time I had loved watching her noticing me as a member of the opposite sex.

But even though it was simply curiosity that urged me to be near her at first, once her skin touched mine; it sparked something deep within me that I couldn't even understand. It lit me from the inside out with hope because I was certain she was connected to our fourth somehow. Maybe she was related to him or there was some other odd connection but I was certain this was the lead we had been looking for all these years.

So I zipped through the hallways at a blinding speed, away from her blushing face. With my vampiric powers of speed and agility, no one would be able to see me traveling infinitely fast. At the very least they would think they saw a blur but then would quickly dismiss it when they saw nothing else. I knew Kiernan would have mouthfuls to say about my carelessness but I needed to tell him about my discovery.

I slowed my pace carefully, monitoring those around me. Kiernan was a few paces ahead of me, a blonde girl who worshipped the ground he walked on was trailing alongside him and trying to gain his attention. He easily shook his head and dismissed her at having felt my presence behind him. He turned and motioned with his eyes that we move to a more discreet location.

Once out of earshot, he immediately barked "Alexei, this will be the last time I tell you. I am not your father but so help me if you keep acting like a child you will force my hand to punish you."

He had obviously witnessed my rapid approach but I ignored his comment and instead gave him a sheepish smile. His lips twitched in response but instead of smiling, he simply ruffled my hair and I knew like that I was forgiven. I quickly moved my hands to my hair to smooth down the chaos he had caused in my semi long locks. When that didn't work, I pulled the band out and finger combed into position before putting my hair back into its short ponytail.

I glanced at Kiernan intent on telling him what had occurred but he was watching me with an annoyed look. He usually had the patience of a saint, which was ironic because he was a vampire but I noticed he was keyed up, on edge. When I didn't talk right away, he growled at me "What is it Alexei?! We are going to be late for class."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2016 ⏰

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