Chapter 5

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Kiernan POV

I watched as the petite goddess ran away, her instincts screaming at her that she was in a perceived danger. Her instincts were not steering her wrong, she should fear and avoid us. While my brothers and I attempted to maintain a low profile, not all members of my kind did so and those were a potential threat to all humans. Instead of viewing them as equals, as essential pieces of our overall survival, they were viewed as simply cattle. How anyone, living or otherwise, maintained such a frigid view on the world remained a mystery to me.

I glanced at my brothers, noticing they both remained entranced with the courageous girl who had bravely approached us with little to no fear. Ecker's eyes remained more intent on certain areas of her body as his face turned lustful in a heartbeat. Turning his way, he forced his eyes away from her body and towards my own. His pale eyes had an intense quality to them as his jaw seemed to tick in pent up tension. He brought his hand rapidly to his neck, rubbing the side, rubbing our mark that was moderately hidden by his collar.

He broke the silence and growled at me "Okay seriously Kiernan, what the fuck was that?!"

I step back, signaling to Alexei that he should step forward so we could talk privately. This was not the moment to speak of it but I knew Ecker would refuse to have this conversation later.

Alexei questioned "What is going on? You guys are acting really strange and she seemed in pain or something."

I inhaled deeply, allowing the crisp morning air to saturate my empty lungs. Releasing it loudly, I explained to Alexei "When I touched the girl, it seemed to have caused some kind of reaction. It felt mildly like a pinch, but surely to her more like a jolt. It ran up my hand, until it burned into my mark on my forearm."

Alexei's eyes flashed with worry as he opened his mouth to say something but thought better of it and closed it. Ecker jumped in, practically shouting "Fuck, it was like pure energy. It ran up my arm until it was at my neck, teasing my mark. It almost felt like the time we..."

I stepped towards him, forcing him back. I angrily ordered him "We do not discuss that, ever, and much less out in the open."

His eyes flashed with annoyance, he rolled his neck as if ready to argue which was his usually style. Alexei, as always, tried to distracted us by saying "The fact that both of you had the same reaction is a good thing. We never had anything like this happen before. Maybe it's a sign. Maybe she knows or is related to our fourth."

My brain whirled with the idea that his small girl could have the knowledge that led us to what we coveted most. Ecker's face turned fierce as if he planned on running full speed and kidnapping the poor girl. I sliced my hand through the air, much to Ecker's annoyance.

I calmly said "We have no idea if Alexei's suggestion holds any truth. We must first test this idea of his before we waste any time pursuing the girl."

Alexei nodded his head and added "Her name is Hailey, by the way, and I could easily figure out if what happened this morning was an outlier or not by simply touching her. I don't know how I will do that without freaking her out, but surely I can manage."

Alexei's words seem like the best plan we have so far and I can trust Alexei not to take things too far and scare her. Ecker menacingly comments "Meanwhile, we need to keep an eye on her. We can't let anything happen to her before we figure this shit out."

I nod and clamp my hand on Alexei's shoulder directing him towards the school grounds. Ecker pushes ahead of us, happily staring down everyone. I know he is secretly pleased that everyone either wants him or fears him. I shake my head at his ridiculousness.

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