Chapter 3

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Hailey POV

Night had fully made its appearance by the time we reached our new home. The house was located on the outskirts of town, down a long and narrow winding road, that seemed to lead into the middle of nowhere. My stomach continuously jumped into my throat as my dad continued to take the plummeting dips rather fast. It was scary at night, not knowing if the road up ahead would turn, dip, or end all together. My dad drove confidently, talking to my mom calmly as if he hadn't a care in the world. I suppose he didn't, he did grow up here and probably knew all the roads like the back of his hand.

After another unexpected dip, the road curved slightly upward, and there at the top of the curve to the left was our home. It was dark and barely visible, hiding between the towering trees which were located on all sides. The place felt ominous since all the lights were shut off and the only glow available, aside from the headlights, was that of the creepy moonlight. My dad parked the car in front of the house on the circular drive and sighed loudly. He turned is body so he could speak to both my mom and me, and announced proudly "My beautiful ladies, we are finally home."

At his words, I turned to look at the impressive two story log type house. It had the rustic feel of a cabin with wood decorating the outside, but the style of the windows hinted at a more modern interior. My mom also scrutinized the house and as she tiredly said "It surely must be awful inside. It's probably full of dust and god knows what."

At her last statement, I cringed. I did not have the tendency to get scared easily, but just the thought of spiders and webs all over me made me want to roll into a ball and sob. My dad at having noticed our horrified expressions, laughingly said "Do not fret, my ladies. I had old man Robin from up the road clear it out from me. It has his seal of approval. I assure you, you won't find anything odd, stranger, or unusual in this house."

My mom nodded her head, seemingly pleased. I wasn't so sure. If he was old, there was a chance he could have missed something such as an eight legged something. None the less, we all got off the car to inspect what would now be our new home.

My dad swiftly opened the door, striding forward to easily turn on the lights. Pushing past my mom, I gasped at what I saw. The house was beautiful. Immediately upon entrance, you stepped into a vast living room sitting in front of a stone fireplace. The high vaulted ceilings, allowed for you to see the walkway of the second story floor.

Walking forwards, I saw a plush kitchen with a large stove and even larger fridge. It made me smile to think that grandpa probably had those installed to make grandma happy since dad would tell us stories about how much she loved to cook. The kitchen table was not large by any standard, but it looked hand-made with soft wood and rich with design. It fit seamlessly with house, only adding to the cabin like beauty.

I rushed to the sliding door, located at the end of the kitchen, and threw it open. Cool air hit me as I stepped onto a magnificent patio with a brick layout that held a rot-iron table and chairs. I walked pasted it, looking at the small meadow of a backyard. While dark, the moon allowed me to view its eerie beauty as the grass swayed slightly in the wind. I knew without a doubt, no matter how nice the house was, this was going to be my favorite spot. I could just imagine bringing out a nice throw quilt and lounging around in the sun with my favorite book. The first opportunity I got, I would do it.

My dad's voice, calling my name, forced me to go back inside. My mom and he were at the end of a hallway I had missed on my way in. I peeked my head into the doorway, and saw what would be my parent's bedroom. Front and center sat a large poster bed covered in a quilt to protect it from the accumulated dust. But what really drew my attention was the large floor to ceiling glass windows that showed the side of the house and the forest. The way the windows were set up, it almost seemed as if you were sleeping in the woods. This room was just as amazing as the rest of the house, and I couldn't wait to see my own bedroom upstairs.

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