Chapter 4

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Above is a picture of what I imagine Hailey to look like. The eyes would be a tad bit more intense in my version but everything else seems to work perfectly with the image I have in my head. I hope it helps. Also as I find more pictures of other characters, I will post them.

Also I want to give a shout-out to @MDePeel for helping me fix my wonky laptop after deciding to update to windows 10 (PS don't do it!) because without her this update never would have happened.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy------- JQ

What was that noise? Fumbling around in my half asleep state, I couldn't seem to pinpoint or find what was ringing. My hand had slammed on the alarm clock several times, but it was all to no unveil as the high pitched noise persisted. Finally after what seemed an eternity, the noise stopped. Unwilling and too tired to figure out what it was, I rolled over in bed and snuggled deeper into the warm covers. But almost as soon as it stopped, it started again.

That's when I knew it was my phone and in a note worthy move, I rapidly rolled back over and just as quickly pried it off the charger without incident. I answered breathlessly "Hello?"

My sister's happy voice rang through the line "Good morning Sunshine!"

Why was my sister calling me? Oh my god, had I slept in on my first day of school? I frantically checked the clock, only to see the bright green numbers telling me it was 5:30 in the morning. In anger, I practically screeched down the phone "Kimmy! What the hell! I could have easily slept like another hour and half!!"

I heard her tinkling laughter through the phone. It only made me want to strangle her even more. She knew I was most definitely not a morning person. Annoyed, I asked again "Seriously Kimmy, what the hell?"

She happily said "You know I kind of like this, the whole waking you up through the phone. You are always so angry. You're kind of like a grizzly bear waking up from hibernation."

Her comment only irritated me further as I snapped at her "I am shocked you even know what hibernation is!"

She laughed again as she said "I read... stuff...sometimes."

Rolling my eyes, I couldn't help but laugh a little. My sister never read, unless it was by force, and then she would complain the whole time.

I could practically hear my sister beaming as she said "See! I knew I could make you smile."

I ignored her comment as she continued talking "I was calling to get your cute sleepy butt up. It's your first day of school and you need all the time in the world to get ready."

I protested loudly "Kimmy, I already picked out my clothes yesterday and yes, it's from your pre-approved pile!"

She acted as if I hadn't spoke as she continued talking "get up, shower, do your hair...please no bun! Put some light make up on, get dressed, and have breakfast. Oh and please don't miss the bus, it would be super embarrassing if mom and dad drove you. Anyways have a great day, call me when you get out of school! Love ya! Byeee."

And with that, she effectively hung up on me. I was left in shock, simply staring at my phone. My sister was too happy for her own good, and to bossy for her own good too. She had a point though, I should get up early at least on my first day. I never knew what kind of issues could come up as the day progressed.

Pushing off the bed, I stood in my PJs, stretching my still sleepy limbs. I proceeded to brush my teeth in an attempt to shake off my sleepy state. Once fully awake, I hopped into the shower and contemplated my day. It was the first day of my senior year and I should be happy but mostly I felt gut-wrenching fear. I had read books, I had seen movies, and new girls never made it out alive. They usually got tormented and picked on by the queen bee because the new girl had accidentally attracted the attention of the quarterback or something. I silently laughed to myself. Me? Attracting the likes of some big hot jock? Not likely. At least I didn't have to worry about that.

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