Chapter 2

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Hailey POV

We hadn't even made it Oregon yet when things started to change. My sister halfway through the summer decided that she wanted to have the full college experience and applied to live in the dorm rooms. I had felt extremely hurt since the whole point of her being accepted and moving to Oregon was to stick together as a family. Those plans had instantly changed as soon as the letter arrived with her admission into the dorms.

So instead of planning our next year together, all I heard ALL summer long, was about all the wonderful things Kimmy would get to experience away at college. I didn't want to feel bitter, I loved my sister and she deserved to be happy but I was just scared. I had never been alone, my sister had always been my best friend. She was the who had been there for me; day in and day out regardless of what happened. Now to move to a new town, start a new school during senior year, and have no one to support me...well, it all suddenly seemed too much for me to bear.

But with nothing left to be done, I had quietly sat by as Kimmy excitedly told me about all the cool things she wanted to experience and try while I mulled over how I was going to survive this inevitably torturous year.

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The entire trip took approximately an entire day, we left Thursday morning and arrived Friday midday. I had this mixed idea that it would be longer but it turns out we were only about ten hours away from Oregon State University. My parents thought since my sister's semester was going to start on Monday, that we would drop her and her stuff off first before visiting our new home.

I had watched as Kimmy practically pressed her nose against the glass in awe and how her feet swung in uncontained excitement as we traversed the OSU campus in our car. When we finally reached the drop off area, there were tons of girls and boys her age getting dropped off, many of whom had the same eager look as Kimmy. Kimmy practical launched herself out of the car, and ran towards the impromptu registration desk near the large building where she would be housed for the upcoming year.

My father, who had been driving, shook his head in amusement and playful informed us "Kim is going to be of no help so come on family, the faster we get her things off, the faster we can get home and rest."

My mother nodded her head solemnly and opened her door to do as my father instructed. I slowly got off the car to help but reality was, I was trying to drag the move out so I wouldn't have to say goodbye to my sister, my best friend. But in no time, we had all her stuff up in the small dorm room which was located on the third floor. Her roommate had yet to make an appearance but she was in for the shock of her life when she realized how much clothes my sister had. The thought made me smirk in delight.

As I walked down the narrow stairs to exit the building, I felt a pressure building in my chest. I didn't want to leave my sister here, I knew she would be happy but it didn't hurt any less. The trek down the three flight of stairs was torturous, trying to avoid the painful moment that was about to occur and trying to come up with the proper words to say goodbye to my sister.

Once we all huddled by the car I caught, for the first time, my sister loose a bit of her happiness as she stared at me. In the blink of an eye, Kimmy slammed into me, pulling me into a tight hug. As her cheek pressed against mine, I encountered wetness and realized she was crying. That set me off as well, and next thing I knew sobs were escaping my chest and tears were rampantly pouring down my face.

She whispered in my ear "Sssh, it's okay. I don't want to leave you either but this is for the best. It will be much easier for you to escape if I am already over here. I can prove to our parents that living here is great and then next year we could become roomies again. Meanwhile, I promise to call everyday and visit at least every other week."

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