Say Hello...

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His Family in the future!

Say hello to my parents. The people that gave birth to me and "raised" me. The people that tell me I was a mistake and that I'm worthless. The people that beat me every night before they go to bed "just because." When they're drunk, they send me to a hospital. Say hello to the cause of my exsitance and my hell.

Say Hello to my older siblings. Both my brother and my sister. The ones who are my hell at school. The ones who bully me and not claim me as their little brother but just a live in. The ones who tell people I'm a worthless fag and that I deserve to be beaten rather than protecting me. Say hello to the people who would occasionally give me pity-filled looks on the days our parents were drunk. Say hello to my bullies.

Say hello to school. The place my bullies walk in as king and queen to all others. The place where their underdogs take me to beat me more than I already was. The place were the teachers turn a blind eye and the principal don't care as long as he gets more monry from my parents for staying quiet. Even with all this I get my education. The one upside to this hell so that I can leave one day. Say hello to my almost bareable.

Say hello to my suicidal thoughts. The voice in my head that tells me to listen to everything ever told to me. The voice that tells me I will never amount to anything. The voice that tells me to give it all up. The voice that tells me to end it all. To end everything. To rid the earth of my worthless self. It tells me that I'm the scum of the Earth. To die. Say hello to my life.

Years later...

Say hello to my new life. Far way from the cause of my exsitance and my hell, my bullies, my almost bareable, and my old life. The place were I rise above all and prosper. The place were people call me "sir" and I run my own offices. They only reason I stayed all those years ago at almost bareable. Say hello to my home.

Say hello to my husband. The one who picked me up from my depressed state in college. The one who showed me what it was like to be loved. The one who told me "I was perfect" and "beautiful just the way I was." Who gave me a family to care for by getting me pregnant. Something I didn't know I could do, but I'm greatful for nonetheless. Say hello to my soulmate.

Say hello to my twin baby girl and boy. So fragile and so cute. Young but wise. The ones who gave me happiness and joy beyond belief. Say hello to my angles.

Say hello.. Well, no need my life is fine just the way it is now. I don't have suicidal thoughts anymore. I am not depressed. I feel love and joy. Emotions I wouldn't ever thought I could have when I still lived with my parent and siblings. I made it out and so can you. Get help if you feel this way. Don't wait. Sooner or later you will be saying "Say hello..." also but now I'm saying Goodbye.

Goodbye to by hell.

Goodbye to my bullies.

Goodbye to almost bareable.

Goodbye to my old life.

Goodbye to my past in whole.

And goodbye... To you.

Because I found my reasons to live.

Hello my first home ever.

Hello my loving Soulmate.

Hello my beautiful Angels.

Hello my wonderful New Life.

***If you ever feel as though the world is against you, there is always someone suffering too. Get help. Suicide is not the option. I know you have heard this before but its true. If you have thoughts like this, seek help. Call the suicide line. Or if your scare of that- I am always open to everyone in need!!! If you feel like no one else cares or you dont want to burden anyone, I care and I would love to help you. I dont see burdens. I only see people. People in need of others. Message me and I will give you my private number if you truely need help. Take care everyone!!!***

This is not based off of a true story!!!

Thanks for reading!!!

Say Hello   (Depression, Gay, Abuse, Inspiration)Where stories live. Discover now