Car trouble and new neighbors

Start from the beginning

Aly's POV

"RIIIING!!!!! said the obnoxious bell, who so happened to startle awake one girl sitting in the back row who was so peacefully sleeping before the bell rang." I heard in my left ear. I groaned, looking over to my right. Oh, wait, the voice was in my left ear. I looked at my other right side, and saw Tommy, who had a big grin stretched across his face. I grabbed my textbook, and thwacked him on the head with it. He shot up out of his seat.

"Ouch, what was that for?" he shouted dramatically. I just rolled my eyes at him, and headed for the door. thank goodness this day is over. I reached my locker and opened it. I heard someone come up behind me, and I mentally rolled my eyes. Not another guy who hits on me. But, surprisingly, he turned to Tommy.

"Hey," he said seductively. He trailed his hand down Tommy's front. Tommy swallowed. I looked at the kid. I've never seen him before at this school.  I put my hand on the kid's shoulder. He turned to look at me.

"What do you want?" he asked me obnoxiously. I snorted.

"Okay, buddy. I don't know you, so don't take that tone with me. Second of all, why are you here? I don't know you, and I know everyone in this school." I folded my arms across my chest. Tommy was turning back into his normal color, from red. He looked me up and down. He laughed.

"Well, aren't we miss popular, then?" He snorted contemptuously. I laughed in his face.

"So, where are you from?" I asked him again, now knowing that he was no problem. All full of hot air, no bite. Or should I say, no growl. You know, since he's gay? Well, it was funny to me. Not really. He looked at me for a while, then crossed his arms.

"Not here," is what he told me. I nodded. Well, that helped. Not.

"Okay, so you're not from here? Are you gay, or just plain annoying?" I asked him.

"Gay, and proud of it. What, do you have a problem with gays?" Tommy laughed at that. I looked at Tommy, and shook my head. I wanted to have fun with this arrogant a-hole. He's kind of reminds me of my unicorn. Wow, random thought much. I straightened.

"As a matter of fact, I do have a problem with gays. They talk in an unusually high voice, when they could just talk normally. They always have to gush over the latest shoes or clothes, like skinny jeans, and they have no respect for girls. Am I right so far?" By then, Tommy was red in the face from trying to hold in his laughter. I shushed him with my hands. The guy was getting red, but not from holding in laughter.

"okay, just to let you in on a little secret. I have lots of gay friends, and most of them don't talk like that, and they almost never gush over shoes or clothes, and by the way, they don't like the kind of girls who think they do things because they don't know them!" He was MAD!!! I could even see steam coming out of his ears. Oh, wait, that's the hair spray of one of the cheerleaders. My bad. I smiled suddenly at him. He looked taken aback. I patted him on the shoulder. I turned to Tommy. He smiled at me.

"Go for it. He sounds like a keeper. I like him." And on that note, I left them to their introductions.

When I entered the parking lot, I saw to my horror, something that was almost unmentionable. Almost.

"Who did this?" I shouted. The people nearest to my car shrugged. I suddenly knew. I sighed. I went over to my car, and I looked closer. Yup, there was a thin layer of plastic wrap, so my car didn't get covered permanently in the blue PAINT that covered almost every inch of my car. There was a yellow smiley face on thew side of my car, and a heart with a S in it. I'm going to kill Sven!

I stormed into his classroom, and he was sitting in his chair, like he was so innocent. He smirked when I walked in. He turned in his chair to look at me, steepling his fingers under his chin, like an evil genius. I almost smile. Then I remember what he did to my car, and I was mad. I walked slowly over to his desk.

"You do know that since you covered my car in plastic wrap, I will have to wait for the paint to dry before I take it that means you will be driving me home. With no other human around. Just us alone." He started to look scared. I smirked. I walked over to him and sat down in his lap. He still looked scared. I pecked him on the lips.

"Well, are you driving me home, or not?" I giggled when I saw his face. It was so priceless, I took a picture with my phone. He blinked at the sudden flash. "Oops, I forgot to turn off the flash. Silly me." I smirked. I stood up. "Let's get going." He followed me to his car.

We were driving, when he turned to me.

"Where do you live?" He asked me. I laughed. I can't believe I forgot to tell him.

"22 west point ave, 58th street." I told him. ( I don't know if that's a real address or not. If it is sorry.) He looked shocked.

"Really, well...that's a surprise," he said as we pulled into my driveway. I turned to him.

"Why is that a surprise?" He pointed to the house beside mine, which had a for sale sign on the front.

"I'm moving into that house right there." He stated.

I gasped.

Oh, god! Kill me now!


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