When I came out of the vision, I was very weak, I started to collapse. Never have I collapsed from a Vision before - or been that weak from that short of one! Gandalf and Bard rushed forward to catch me.
"My Arietta, what is it that you saw?" Gandalf asked.
"Azog." I breathed out, exhausted.
They helped me get back to Thranduil's tent.
"Azog, has a massive army, much bigger then you can imagine. Thousands of Orcs, and growing." I spoke, explaining.
Gandalf had a far-away look on his face.

He again came up to me, "My dear, can you explain your vision a little more for us?"
I nodded tiredly. "It looked like it was mid-day, Bolg arrived, and Azog was mad that he didn't kill Thranduil's son, nor Tauriel. Calling him a fool, saying that the Elves would return with an Army. Azog then ordered Bolg to return to Gundabad to get more troops... Azog knows, he knows that we're all here. Except for you, Gandalf."
"We must do something." Bard said.
"Of course we must! But the question is, what?" Gandalf replied.

We were talking over ideas, none of them seemed like they would work.
Until Thranduil turned the tables on us suddenly, "How do we know that you, Princess Arietta, Daughter of Thorin Oakenshield are not making this up, trying to make a fool out of us?"
I sighed, "Are we really starting from the beginning King Thranduil?"
"You could be leading us into a trap for all I know." He replied.

I looked at Gandalf, who was now smoking his pipe. Deciding it was best that he take over, I stayed silent.
"What do you think we are trying to do?"
"I think you're trying to save your Dwarvish friends, and I admire your loyalty to them. But it does not dissuade me from my course. You started this, Mithrandir. You will forgive me if I finish it."

I glared at him as he walked out.
"Are the archers in position?"
An Ellon replied, "Yes, my lord."
"Give the order. If anything moves on that Mountain... Kill it."
I heard Gandalf sigh.
"The Dwarves are out of time."

Gandalf then too walked out, I followed. - Hiding the sack which was still under my cloak. "You, Bowman!"
"His name is Bard, Gandalf." I said.
"Do you agree with this? Is gold so important to you? Would you buy it with the blood of Dwarves?"
"It will not come to that." Bard replied.
"Oh, i'm not so sure..." I whispered.
"This is a fight they cannot win."
"Dwarves are stubborn, Bard. Very stubborn. It will not matter." I replied, insulted. "They will not surrender, and I do not blame them!"

Gandalf and I shared a look, that clearly stated that it was time - time to show our 'bargaining' pieces.

The three of us walked back into the tent, to find Thranduil sitting - once again in his somewhat, royal chair.
I walked forward feeling out of place, and placed the sack on the table. "I came out of the Mountain to give you and Lord Bard these..."
Bard slowly walked over, no doubt curious as to what I was talking about.
I pulled the chest out of the sack, and slowly opened it revealing Thranduil's White Gems of Lasgalen, and Lake Town's Amegtonite.
"I believe these belong to you?" I spoke, looking between Bard and Thranduil. "The White Gems, and your Amegtonite. Am I correct?"
Bard looked at me "How did you find these?"
"I found it in one of the rooms, rather hard to sneak around in armor mind you. But I managed."
"Thror refused to hand these over to me many years ago. Thank you, Arietta." Thranduil said.
"I, was hoping we could use them as... a ransom? To stop everything."
"How is this yours to give?" Bard asked.
"I-I'm taking a humongous risk. I'm betraying those I love, my family."
"You would put yourself in the path of a crazed King, to save them?" Bard asked.
"Yes. Yes I would." I said without hesitation. "But, I've also lived with Elves, and even grown up with the race of Men. I don't want a battle to happen. I have soft spots for them all." I explained.
"What if the plan fails?" Bard questioned me.
"I have something else up my sleeve..." I said.
'something Gandalf might, or might not like...'
They all looked at each other, hoping the plan to work. Thranduil looked stiff as a rod though... 'does he still wish for death?'

What Once Was Lost {Hobbit Fanfic} Book 1Where stories live. Discover now