Chapter Eight: Monster

Start from the beginning

The whole scene was disturbing as he watched his sister get knocked out and taken, but it wasn't till the man turned that Xavier got shivers down his spine. A young man with horns sticking from his curly dirty blonde hair.

His dark hand clasped over his mouth as he watched the monster leave. A realization had then sunk into him; there were more of them. "Damn," he mumbled dropping his hand. "I need a drink."

'*•.¸('*•.¸ † ¸.•*')¸.•*'

Nicholas had spent almost a week in his new room and hadn't come out. By order, Catharine had moved all of her things to the master bedroom on the third floor, while she prepared her old room for him.

She was now in the kitchen, the last room she needed to clean. Things were piled on the floor and a lot of what was in the kitchen from food to equipment was being thrown out. She even joked to herself that burning it and building a new one seemed less tedious.

Paper bags of food sat on the table and she was determined to make sure the kitchen was clean before putting it away. Washing out the cupboards and fridge was a start, now she swept behind everything making sure she got all the mouse dropping.

As she swept behind the fridge she jumped, the broom falling out of her hand and hitting to the floor. A voice in the kitchen called out, but she felt no presence attached to it. "Hello?" called the voice again.

She peeked out from the side of the fridge and laid her eyes on Nicholas who stood near the entrance. His face was thin and skeleton like with sunken dark eyes. His horns were a yellowish color and he had himself propped up against the wall. The side effects of refusing to feed.

"Hi?" she questioned back. "Are you okay? You need anything?"

He walked over to the small table of food and sat in the chair sniffing the bags. "There's beef in here," he moaned.

She raised her brow as she walked over to the table and lifted out the package of ground beef. He swiped it from her hands and tore the plastic from the meat before digging in his face in it. She watched in awe as he devoured the contents.

He let the package drop and looked up to Catharine. "Oh my God, thank you."

She shrugged. "Didn't really do anything."

"I'm so hungry." He pushed his face into his hands.

"I hate to say it," she began sitting across from him. "You need to feed."

He shook his head. "I'd rather die."

"Well, you are." It was Desmond's voice coming into the kitchen. Both of them turned to look at him as he crossed his arms staring directly at Nicholas. He seemed angry, but his words were cool. "I'm waiting for you to tell me you want to hunt."

Nicholas looked down at his hands, Desmond's glare making him uncomfortable. "I will not feed on humans like some monster."

"Monster?" Desmond questioned. "I say survival of our race."

Nicholas scoffed. "Yeah, what is that exactly?"

"We are simply chaos itself. Embrace it," Desmond suggested. "You have a lot of power in you, even you'd be impressed."

He just rolled his eyes and Catharine twisted her lips before blurting her idea, "Take him back down to my end. Where we met." Met being the most polite word to say in front of Nicholas. "There's farmland down there."

In response, the alpha shook his head. "He'll be more powerful on human's blood."

"Would you rather have him alive?" she questioned gesturing to Nicholas.

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