Chapter 17

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                                                                   "A Mini Party"

             I walked into the house and threw my things in the corner before walking in the kitchen. Noah and Gabe were on my tail as I walked. I was in the process of texting everyone to let them know about our little mini party. Maggie and Austin had already text me back to let me know that they were for sure coming. I was actually starting to get excited about this.

            “Do you want something to drink,” I asked Gabe.

            “Sure,” he said as he sat at the island.

            “How about you Noah,” I asked as I opened the refrigerator.

            “Sure,” he said with a smile as he sat beside Gabe.

            “Everyone said that they’ll come,” I said as my phone went off again.

            “Good. Do we have enough snacks,” Noah asked.

            “You’re mom keeps it stocked because you’re brothers eat snacks all day long,” I said with a laugh as I opened the cabinets to pull out snacks.

            “That’s true,” he said nodding me.

            “Why don’t you come help me lazy ass,” I said as I looked at him with a smile.

            “That means movement,” he said with a smirk.

            “Get up and come here,” I said as I snatched him up.

            “Fine,” he said with a sigh as I handed him bags.

            “Pour them in big bowls. Then take them and put them in the living room,” I said as I kept going around and grabbing more.

            “Sure,” he said as he went to do what I said. I don’t know how I got lucky enough to get a man that never even fights with me. He’s so…agreeable.

            “I love you,” I told him.

            “I love you to,” he said without hesitation as he kept doing what he was doing.

            “You got yourself a good man,” Gabe told me as he walked over to me.

            “I know it.”

            “I’m happy that you’re life has been going better,” he said as he put his hand on my shoulder.

            “Me to. It was all because of Noah. He takes care of me. He got me out of that environment. He says that it was his mothers’ idea to move me in here but I know that it had something to do with him,” I said.

            “You deserve someone like that. Someone that honestly loves you. You’ve been through so much at a young age,” he told me.

            “I know. I also know that it made me stronger and I know that I’ll never let my own children go through something like that,” I said.

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