Chapter 16

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             I woke up and climbed out of the bed. Today was the first day I would be practicing with Gabe. He used to be my best friend. But he got a great gig and he went away for a while. I haven’t really seen him in the past couple of years but Dan told me that it was his idea that we worked together on my gigs. We always worked well together.

            I walked over to my closet and pulled out my dance clothes before putting them on. I slid on some jeans and a tank top on over them. I grabbed my bag and went around getting everything I would need for today. I slid on my shoes before stepping out the door and going across the hall to knock on Noah’s door. After the third knock he finally opened up.

            “What,” he asked with a frown.

            “Are you ok,” I asked.

            “Yeah. Just tired. What’s up,” he asked as he pulled me to him.

            “You wanted to go to practice with me today. It won’t be long before I leave to head out.”

            “I’ll be ready in five,” he said as he pulled me into his room and shut the door.

            “Why did you pull me in here,” I asked with a laugh.

            “Because I didn’t want you to run off. I didn’t get to spend much time with you yesterday,” he said as he pulled me against his chest and kissed me.

            “I’m sorry about that. I was just so tired,” I said when he pulled back.

            “I understand. It’s ok,” he said as he let me go to start getting ready.

            “Maybe we should have a date night.”

            “When,” he asked with a big smile.

            “Tonight,” I suggested.

            “That sounds great.”

            “What should we do,” I asked as I hugged him.

            “I’ll think of something,” he promised.

            “I love you,” I told him.

            “I love you to. So much,” he whispered as he touched his lips to my head.

            “We should go,” I said as I pulled away and we walked towards his door. “Are you ready to meet Gabe?”


            “Why not,” I asked with a frown.

            “Because I don’t like him already,” he said.

            “You haven’t even met him yet.”


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