Night out on the Town

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Author's Note: I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in a long while. I seriously had half of this chapter written a long time ago, but college was getting hectic so I had to stop typing and I needed to concentrate on passing my classes. (News: I passed my classes), now I'm refocused on typing out the majority of my stories. Thanks for reading thus far and I look forward to reading what you all thought of this chapter. Also, this chapter is unedited, so all grammatical errors are my own.

Music: Artist: Shiny Toy Guns – Song: Stripped (Deadp1xel Remix)

Disclaimer: I do not own True Blood. All rights are reserved.

Chapter Three

The desk lady was nice enough. In a matter of seconds I received a luxurious room. I was really starting to like it here. The decorum was elegant in an old Victorian kind of way. A four poster bed clad in yellow cushioning along with a grey painted background setting the mood in the room. The imagery of it was like something taken out of a home magazine that she had had always looked at back home. My room had a window with white curtains sashaying in different directions, the window had been opened to let in air circulate through the stuffy feel of the room.

I then noticed there was a heavy amount of brochures lying out on the desk that was close to the door of the room. I spotted one that looked the most interesting, and I knew what I was doing tonight. I hadn't experienced any sort of real clubs before, well except Fangtasia, but that was more of a bar then a club. I was ecstatic, however. At the prospect of being the new person for once. The person that was considered normal.

A simple black dress, make-up, and heels later I had asked the help desk to call a taxi for my departure. In no time at all the yellow taxi had driven me to a thunderous club. A club that was roughly named, "Chaos" for its overall mood.

Everywhere, I looked in the club I could see various groups of people challenging one another to down a whole pint glass worth of beer, while others snuck drugs under tables and rode the high the drugs provided. Although, I wasn't interested in that part of the club the bar was hustling and bustling. It was more spacious than the one at Merlottes or Fangtasia. I walk towards the bar area. Where I instantly get a bartender to tend to my drink.

"I will take a gin and tonic, please." The bartender asked for my identification card and suddenly I got a Déjà vu moment when I had went to Fangtasia for the first time. I handed my identification card to the bartender he took a glance at it and handed it back and went to work on my drink. A look around the bar my eyes finding groups of people drinking and dancing. "Thanks." I took a sip of the gin and tonic and went about my business.

The club scene actually wasn't my kind of thing. But, you know I came to Paris for a brand new start. I could try to be a new person. Chugging the alcoholic beverage and setting it on a nearby table; taking a deep breath, and heading straight onto the dance floor. Stepping onto the dance floor. I could feel the vibrations of the music beneath my feet. I could see the effect the music had on everyone else.

"I want to dance," I thought. I caught a man's glare as he smoothly made his way to me. Taking my hands in his our bodies get in touch with the rhythm of the music. I could feel his hot breath along my neck as he grabbed onto me – although I wasn't feeling that close to a total stranger. I tried to pry his hands away from my waist – yet the man was nothing but muscle, and he kept on reaffirming his hands onto my waist as his hands venture further downward – my heart was raising regretting my stupid choice of coming to this damn club. Until, the man's hands were lifted off of me – the blaring music in the club's background somehow growing quieter as my eyes glance up to a hand that grabbed the pair of hands that were just recently on me. Following the arm of the hand to lay eyes on a breath taking man.

"I would suggest you lift your hands off of her. Unless, you want to go through me?" His voice was hauntingly beautiful. She continued to look at him – eyeing the clothes he wore, dark blue jeans and a basic white shirt that clung to his obvious muscle-toned chest. Her cheeks had reddened in color.

The man grew flustered I watched him go on his way to bug some other less fortunate girl. I sighed and looked back saying, "Thank y-.", but the guy, her rescuer seemed to vanish leaving Sookie to wonder where he went.

Making her way out from the crowd making sure to avoid the hands on guy – she stepped out in the summer night air – glancing up to the night sky.

Her thoughts a mess on her mysterious rescuer.

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